Prepare children for success in kindergarten

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Reference no: EM133470294


Standards are present in nearly everything we do. In the field of Early Childhood Education, standards define expectations and levels of excellence and quality for programs, educators, and children. Quality in early childhood education commonly refers to early childhood settings in which children are safe, healthy, and receive developmentally and culturally appropriate curriculum experiences to promote growth and development. Quality early childhood programs promote healthy relationships that allow children security, address bias and social justice concerns, and prepare children for success in kindergarten and primary school.


Write a one- to two-page reflection and use the Title Page Template to complete the three sections below:

Part One - Licensing Rules for Child Safety

  • Use the following search criteria: licensing rules for early childcare programs in TEXAS.
  • You are looking for the manual that contains all the childcare licensing rules for TEXAS.
  • If you are prompted to choose Family or Group Care, select either one.
  • Select a licensing rule on child safety from the document.
  • Explain why you feel this licensing rule is critical to child safety in one paragraph (minimum of four sentences).
  • State the rule number, name of the rule, and your state.
  • Copy and paste the website URL into the reflection.

Part Two - QRIS

  • Use the following search criteria: QRIS (Quality Rating Improvement System) for early childcare programs in (name of your state).
  • You are looking for a document that contains the QRIS standards for TEXAS.
  • State the name of your QRIS system (what it is called in your state, i.e., Parent Aware, Quality Stars, etc.).
  • Describe one new piece of information you learned about QRIS from the document in one paragraph (minimum of four sentences).
  • Copy and paste the website URL into the reflection.

Part Three - NAEYC

  • Use the following search criteria: NAEYC Early Learning Program Accreditation Standards and Assessment Items, the national accreditation standards for early childhood programs.
  • You are looking for the document that contains all the national accreditation standards and assessment items from NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children).
  • Select one accreditation standard that goes above and beyond a licensing regulation in your state.
  • Describe the accreditation standard and how it compares to the licensing rule in your state.
  • State the name and number of the accreditation standard and licensing rule.
  • Copy and paste the website URL into the reflection.
  • Determine whether you think your state licensing rule should be changed to meet the accreditation standard.
  • Explain why or why not.
  • Uses professional language and tone with correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation in the one to two-page reflection.
  • No reference page is required, but you are encouraged to practice using proper APA for the websites' references (URLs).

Reference no: EM133470294

Questions Cloud

Understanding your social relationships and experience : Compare and contrast the ethnographic, survey and experimental research methods. (Length: At least 500 words totalled
What is the role of the governor in pennsylvania : What is the role of the Governor in Pennsylvania?
How can this dialectical tension be managed : choose two and provide your own definition and example.How can this dialectical tension be managed in an intercultural interpersonal relationship?
What were global economies of pre-revolutionary america : What were the local, regional, and global economies of pre-revolutionary America in the 1700s?
Prepare children for success in kindergarten : Promote growth and development. Quality early childhood programs promote healthy relationships that allow children security, address bias and social justice
How do federal agencies communicate homeland security : How do federal agencies communicate homeland security information to local and state government, the private sector, and the citizenry of the United States?
What net widening is regarding the criminal justice system : Define in your own words what Net Widening is regarding the criminal justice system and do you feel that this is taking place in our current system.
Project that deals with climate and the environment : They already see the damaging effects that this gas alone is having on the living conditions of crops, wildlife, and humans
Determinations about the incident under study : Select a current event from the newspaper, a recent magazine, an on-going court case, or the internet that involves an activity relating to social action


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