Prepare by designing an advertisement of you own product

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133330375

Flydubai is an airline business and is operating in Bahrain with flights connecting toIndia, Middle East, South East Asia and Australia. As a neophyte airline industry,competition becomes its great challenge as other known airlines are leading theindustry such as Oman Air and Gulf Air.Based on records, Oman Air has estimatedsales of 30,000 dollars, and Gulf Air has twice of Oman Air's. Flydubai projects tohave sales at 40% of Gulf's sales. The CEO of Flydubai called for a meeting amonghis Board of Directors to discuss about how would the plan be achieved. One BODsuggested that in order to hit the target, they need to invest in media andpromotions, and everyone moved and seconded the good point. The CEO adjournedthe meeting by saying that "Ok, all of you Board of Directors, I believed in yourstrategies and mechanisms. In so doing, our company will embark at getting higheprofits and even surpassed what our competitors have at this time. Double ourefforts and sooner we will get rewarded"

QUESTION:1. Prepare by designing an advertisement of you own product indicating thenecessary labels on it. (IL04)note: Please answer this question it shouldn't be irrelevant pls. since chegg guidelines restrict to answer more questions. I only asked one so please answer accurately. I will post another question again.

Reference no: EM133330375

Questions Cloud

Explain behavioural approaches to leadership : Can you please explain behavioural approaches to leadership and link it to some theories please?
Compare and contrast this perspective to other perspectives : compare and contrast this perspective to other perspectives you learned in previous weeks addressing race, privilege, power, and oppression.
How does her transformation reflect the key theme : How and why does Doris Walker move from a cynical outlook to a more idealistic one? How does her transformation reflect the key theme of the importance
Explain what an investigator should consider : Explain what an investigator should consider if he or she is unable to make a decision despite having considered all factors.
Prepare by designing an advertisement of you own product : Prepare by designing an advertisement of you own product indicating thenecessary labels on it. (IL04)note: Please answer this question it shouldn't
Define, give examples, and discuss the role of several : Define, give examples, and discuss the role of several instances in supporting arguments. Define, give examples, and discuss the role of statistics
What is the effect of the bolded figurative language device : What is the effect of the bolded figurative language device on the passage? The metaphor illustrates the amount of time it took to see the car.
Describe the instructional methods that were used : Describe the instructional methods that were used in the customer-service training program. you think these were appropriate methods to use
How they fit in to the organisations processes : Briefly explain the 2 areas you will be using for evaluation of compliance within the organisation explaining how they fit in to the organisation's processes.


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