Prepare budget for ballarat furniture company

Assignment Help Managerial Accounting
Reference no: EM131288

PART 1: Consider the following data in preparing Ballarat Furniture Company's budget for 2013:

Product specification for each table for 2013



Direct Materials



     Particle Board (PB)

9 board feet (bf)per table


     Red Oak       (RO)

10 board feet (bf) per table





Direct Manufacturing Labour



    Laminating labour

0.25 hours per table


    Machining labour

3.75 hours per table





Inventory information for 2013

Beginning Inventory

TargetEnding Inventory


20,000 bf



25,000 bf

22,000 bf




Finished goods - tables (units)






Sales forecast for 2013



Sales volume

52,000 tables


Sales price

$392 per table





Cost information:



PB per board feet



RO per board feet



Laminating labour per hour



Machining labour per hour






Variable manufacturing overhead costs



Fixed manufacturing overhead costs



Manufacturing overhead application base


Expected Direct Labour hours

Inventoriable (manufacturing) cost per table



In addition to the above, the following selling and administrative expenses are expected for 2013:

Salaries of Sales personnel



$1, 920,720



Customer service





Prepare an annual budget for Ballarat Furniture Company for 2013. Assume an income tax rate of 40 percent. Include the following schedules:

a. Sales budget

b. Production budget (in units)

c. Direct materials usage budget (in units  and in dollars)

d. Direct labour budget

e. Budgeted income statement.


Three readings on Budgeting posted on Moodle.

Critically review the above.  Do you agree, partly agree or disagree with the issues raised in the above? Give your views on the issues that are raised in a, b and c.

Reference no: EM131288

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