Prepare and schedule your nursing shift work plans

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Reference no: EM131918137

Develop Work Priorities Assignment -


Complete all tasks as mentioned in task details; adhere to word limit mentioned in each task/questions/sub questions where applicable.

Complete all tasks during your professional practice placement of this unit and submit it to your nursing educator after completion of your professional practice placement.

Complete all tasks adhering to your scope of practice and in collaboration with RN or under supervision of RN.


Instructions -

  • For this Assessment Task, you are required to complete and submit this via SCEI eLearning platform as a MS Word document by the due date.
  • You must answer ALL questions in your own words or use appropriate APA referencing.
  • You will be assessed on the basis of satisfactory or unsatisfactory response to each question.

Answer each question within 50-300 words.

1. Explain at least two (2) software applications and technologies you can use to prepare and schedule your nursing shift work plans.

2. Explain two (2) techniques you can use to prepare personal and professional plans.

3. Name two (2) methods you could use to identify and prioritise personal and professional learning needs.

4. Outline three (3) professional development opportunities available to the Enrolled Nurse.

5. Explain one (1) method you can use to elicit, analyse and interpret feedback to improve your nursing practice.

6. Provide a detailed explanation (no more than 300 words) of methods that can be used to evaluate own performance in providing nursing care.


Instructions -

  • Read the information provided for this task and follow the instructions carefully and thoroughly.
  • You must answer ALL questions in your own words or use appropriate APA referencing.

This assessment task requires you to identify, record and submit the following in a portfolio format:

  • Personal development plan
  • Career goals - short and long term
  • Continuing professional development (CPD) activities
  • Evidence of completed CPD activities

Part A - Personal development plan

Using the NMBA Standards for Practice: Enrolled Nurse and your own understanding of the requirements of the Enrolled Nurse role, conduct a self-analysis of your current level of performance against these standards using the template provided.

Based on the results of your self-analysis, identify two areas where you would like your performance to improve and create a personal development plan using the template provided.

Part B - Career goals

1. You are to identify two (2) career goals. Each goal should be written as SMART (Specific. Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-framed).

a. Short term (next 6 - 12 months)

b. Long term (1 - 3 years)

2. Document each career goal in your personal development plan using the table provided - "Personal Development Plan Template".

Part C - Continuing professional development

Identify, plan and complete two (2) continuing professional development activities (apart from the Diploma of Nursing) that you can complete to help you attain your career goals and/or personal development plan. These activities will also start your continuing professional development portfolio required for maintaining registration as an Enrolled Nurse.

The continuing professional development activities may include:

  • attending conferences or seminars
  • completing a short course, workshop or online module
  • tertiary, vocational and other accredited courses including distance education (should relate to context of practice)
  • self-directed learning
  • any other structured learning activities not covered above.

You may complete the two (2) learning needs you identified in Part A - Personal development plan or you may choose two other learning needs that you can realistically complete the CPD activities.

If you choose two new learning needs, please document them in your personal development plan (you will now have four (4) learning needs in the template).

Provide evidence in your portfolio of completing your two (2) continuing professional development activities, such as certificates.


Read and complete the following sections of the Professional Practice Record book:

  • Student Learning objectives
  • Formative Assessment Meeting Record Sheet
  • Summative Assessment Meeting Record Sheet

Prepare, analyse and re-prioritise a daily shift work plan for patients you are providing care to.

Answer reflective questions relevant to the learning objectives, feedback and shift work plans.

Part A - Learning Objectives

a. In the professional placement record book, make a list of at least five (5) learning objectives that relate to your nursing practice during the placement.

b. Each one should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-framed).

c. Prioritise the objectives you have identified.

d. Briefly describe how achievement of your objectives links to broader organisational goals and objectives (e.g., for your team, section or department).

e. During the first two (2) days of placement, review your objectives with your clinical facilitator and make adjustments as required.

f. At the formative and summative assessment meetings with your clinical facilitator, you are required to review your learning objectives and discuss your progress in achieving them.

Part B - Feedback

Formal Feedback

a. You are required to engage in two (2) meetings with your clinical facilitator to gain formal feedback on your nursing practice during placement.

b. The meetings are to be recorded in the professional practice record book:

a. Formative Assessment Meeting Record Sheet

b. Summative Assessment Meeting Record Sheet

c. You are required to provide a comment in each record sheet that demonstrates you have evaluated the feedback and how you will use it to improve your nursing practice.

Informal Feedback

Evaluate the feedback you sought and received from your supervising Registered Nurse on each shift, by answering the questions below. 200 - 400 words.

a. What type of feedback did you seek from your supervising Registered Nurse across each shift?

b. What was the feedback provided to you by the supervising Registered Nurse across each shift?

c. Evaluate the feedback sought and provided, including:

  • Whether you agree or disagree with the feedback
  • Whether you found the feedback useful
  • How you used the feedback to improve your nursing practice during the placement.

Part C - Work Plan

a. For two (2) shifts (one AM shift and one PM shift) during the Professional Practice Placement, you are required to create a shift work plan.*

b. For each shift work plan you are to identify priorities across the shift.

c. At the beginning of the shift, you are required to show and discuss your shift work plan with your supervising Registered Nurse and make adjustments accordingly.

d. You are to follow your shift work plan to implement nursing care to your allocated patients.

e. Throughout the shift, you are required to analyse and re-prioritise the plan due to unexpected events.

*NB// You are required to complete a shift work plan for every shift you are on placement But you are only required to submit two (2) for this assessment task.

Part D - Reflective questions

In relation to your placement and Pans A, B and C above, answer the following questions: 20-70 words each question

1. Explain the benefits of documenting your learning objectives and reviewing them with your clinical facilitator throughout the placement?

2. How effective were the shift work plans in helping you to plan and manage your nursing shift workload? Will you continue to use a shift work plan in the future? Why / why not?

3. Did you successfully complete all of the tasks / activities you had planned? If not, why not?

4. Consider how you prioritised your work. Did you always address important, urgent tasks ahead of less important and less urgent tasks? If not, why not?

5. Explain the type of unexpected events that you experienced during the two (2) shifts and how you re-prioritised your work load and tasks?

6. Provide three (3) suggestions for what you could do to improve your time and task management?

Reference no: EM131918137

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3/28/2018 1:21:00 AM

Complete all tasks as mentioned in task details; adhere to word limit mentioned in each task/questions/sub questions where applicable. For this Assessment Task 1, you are required to complete and submit this via SCEI eLearning platform as a MS Word document by the due date. You must answer ALL questions in your own words or use appropriate APA referencing. You will be assessed on the basis of satisfactory or unsatisfactory response to each question. Answer each question within 50-300 words.


3/28/2018 1:20:52 AM

For this Assessment Task 2, Read the information provided for this task and follow the instructions carefully and thoroughly. Assessment requirements must be typed. Use of correct grammar and spelling is required to demonstrate foundational skills. You must answer ALL questions in your own words or use appropriate APA referencing. Write your name, student ID, the assessment task and the name of the unit of competency on each piece of paper you attach to this assessment document. You answer all questions correctly to achieve a satisfactory result.


3/28/2018 1:20:45 AM

Once each task is marked, the outcome needs to be recorded in the student academic file and it the academic progress sheet by the trainer/assessor. The academic progress sheet must be returned to the data entry officer, who will enter the data into the Student Management System. The student may need to spend some hours outside the class hours without supervision to complete the assessments.


3/28/2018 1:20:38 AM

ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVES This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to monitor and obtain feedback on own work performance and access learning opportunities for professional development. This unit applies to individuals who are required to design their own work schedules and work plans and to establish priorities for their work. They will typically hold some responsibilities for the work of others and have some autonom in relation to their own role. To achieve competence, all assessment tasks must be successfully completed in the time allocated with the essenti; resources. Your Trainer will give you the due date to submit the assessments and provide you with feedback the assessing your work.


3/28/2018 1:20:30 AM

Read the information provided for this task and follow the instructions carefully and thoroughly. Assessment requirements must be typed. Use of correct grammar and spelling is required to demonstrate foundational skills. You must answer ALL questions in your own words or use appropriate APA referencing. Write your name, student ID, the assessment task and the name of the unit of competency on each piece of paper you attach to this assessment document.


3/28/2018 1:20:18 AM

For this Assessment Task, you are required to complete and submit this via SCEI eLearning platform as a MS Word document by the due date. (Due date will be informed by your nursing educator). You must answer ALL questions in your own words or use appropriate APA referencing You will be assessed on the basis of satisfactory or unsatisfactory response to each question. Answer each question within 50-300 words.


3/28/2018 1:20:10 AM

Assessment Task 3 — Professional Practice Refer to each task for its detail instructions/requirements. You will be assessed based on satisfactory and unsatisfactory response provided by you in each task These tasks will also enable you to demonstrate following skills as a requirement of foundation skills of this unit: Learning, Reading, Writing. Oral communication, Numeracy, Navigating the world of work, interact with others and get the work done.

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