Prepare and present a plan for your development

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Reference no: EM132710464 , Length: word count:3000

MGT601 Dynamic Leadership Assignment - Laureate International Universities

Assessment Title - Leadership Plan

Learning Outcome 1: Explore and reflect on self- development as a leader to build self-awareness.

Learning Outcome 2: Through critical reflection on key leadership theories develop a personal leadership development strategy.

Learning Outcome 3: Analyse and develop the capacity to influence, motivate and inspire others in your workplace and/or community organisations.

Learning Outcome 4: Implement and practice coaching others to enhance self-awareness and core communication skills for emotional intelligence, with emphasis on active listening, building empathy, giving and receiving feedback.

Learning Outcome 5: Demonstrate the technique of reflective and reflexive practice as a means of continuous learning and self-development.

Context - The purpose of all assessments, combined, is to reflect on your own leadership journey, obtain feedback from your assigned partner and other trusted sources, evaluate your current leadership style, effectiveness and potential and then prepare a plan for your continued development as a leader. The assessments are integrated pieces of work and you should draw on the first parts as you work on this final part. The first assessment focused on your journey so far and current capabilities. This final assessment report should present your plans for your future development as a leader.

Task - The task for this assessment is to prepare and present a plan for your development as a leader. The period of your plan could be 2, 5 or 10 years. Select the period that makes most sense to you, depending on the current stage of your life and career. Briefly explain the reason for the time period that you have selected.

Your plan needs to be based on or anchored by an established model of personal development. A number of possible models were provided in Module 1. The choice of a model is up to you. The Whitman GROW and Boyatzis Intentional Change models are two of the most comprehensive at a personal level. However, other models may be more relevant to your current needs. You are also welcome to use an appropriate model that was not included in Module 1, provided it meets the tests of academic rigour and usefulness to you. Provide a brief description of your chose model and a justification for your selection. It is important that you go to the source documents and not rely only on the summary version of your chosen model.

Additional information on leadership development to help you prepare your plan and to continue your reflexive journal is provided in the subject Resources section of each module.

Structure - The precise structure is up to you. A clear logic flow, using a "Contents" page and section headings, will help your readers to follow your thinking. The use of an "Executive Summary" as a précis or abstract of your report, an "Introduction" to set the context and a "Conclusion" to capture your key learnings is desirable in a business subject. Detailed, supporting information such as psychometric results, planning templates, etc., should be placed in an appendix, where they will not be included in the word count. Within the body of your report, the model of development that you choose will largely determine the structure and section headings.

Note - Ensure you have identified and referenced the Leadership Development Model you are using as the framework for your plan. Ensure you have identified 3-4 areas you wish to develop and include in your development plan Ensure your discussion in each of these areas is linked to the literature with supporting references in-text and in a reference list using APA.

Reference no: EM132710464

Questions Cloud

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Prepare and present a plan for your development : Prepare and present a plan for your development as a leader. The period of your plan could be 2, 5 or 10 years.
What skills are required to be an effective trainer : What skills/ qualities are required to be an effective trainer? Explain the role of trainer in effective training program. The response must be typed.
Enhance self-awareness and core communication skills : Implement and practice coaching others to enhance self-awareness and core communication skills for emotional intelligence, with emphasis on active listening,
How will the results be used and knowledge applied : What was the purpose of this research? Findings/results of the study? Implications for practice, i.e. how will the results be used and knowledge applied?
Case study report - nufarm ltd : Understand and evaluate budgets and their impact on long and short-term business decisions and Apply the key theories and principles of financial management


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