Prepare an overloaded constructor

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13707308

Question a: Create a class named BloodData that includes fields that hold a blood type (the four blood types are O, A, B, and AB) and an Rh factor (the factors are + and -).

Create a default constructor that sets the fields to "O" and "+", and an overloaded constructor that requires values for both fields. Include get and set methods for each field. Save this file as

Create an application named TestBloodData that shows that each method works correctly. Save the application as

Question b: Create a class named Patient that includes an ID number, age, and BloodData. Provide a default constructor that sets the ID number to "0", the age to 0, and the BloodData to "O" and "+".

Prepare an overloaded constructor that provides values for each field. Also provide get methods for each field. Save the file as

Create an application named TestPatient that demonstrates that each method works correctly, and save it as

You have to this program using java programming. Make this application in simple way.

Reference no: EM13707308

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