Prepare an introduction including the purpose of the meeting

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Reference no: EM133506509

Facilitate the empowerment of older people

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to respond to the goals and aspirations of older people and provide support services in a manner that focuses on improving health outcomes and quality of life, using a person-centred approach. This unit applies to support workers in residential or community contexts.

All aspects of the performance evidence must have been demonstrated using simulation prior to being demonstrated in the workplace. The following conditions must be met for this unit, use of suitable facilities, equipment and resources, including:

• relevant organisation policies and procedures
• relevant aids to assist with independent living

The assessment is designed for candidates to demonstrate their competency having completed formal learning experiences in this unit. Assessment may occur in real and/or simulated work environments. Candidates may be undertaking the unit in a range of learning situations, including classroom, online, private study, via a traineeship arrangement or via other workplace-supported means.

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to respond to the goals and aspirations of older people and provide support services in a manner that focuses on improving health outcomes and quality of life, using a person-centred approach.

The key outcomes are:
• develop relationships with older people
• provide services of old people
• support the rights of older people
• promote and re-ablement of older people

Part C - Simulated Assessment

To complete the Performance Evidence requirements for CHCAGE001, the candidate must show evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage tasks and manage contingencies in the context of the job role. There must be evidence that the candidate has:

• responded to the goals and aspirations of at least 2 older people, 1 in a simulated environment and 1 in the workplace:
• employing flexible, adaptable and person-centred approaches to empower the individual
• recognising and responding appropriately to situations of risk or potential risk
• used oral communication skills to maintain positive and respectful relationships

Your assessor will assist you in working through one (1) simulated activity to be conducted on or off campus.

• The simulated activity may be assessed in the classroom through role-play and the assessor may choose to use a video camera to record the activity
• If the simulated activity will be done externally or off campus, video recording of the activity will be required to be arranged by the student
• Any additional materials used such as scripts, guidelines, etc, may also be submitted as additional evidence.

Scenario - Mr Andersen

Mr Andersen has just returned to the facility after being in hospital. He recently had a fall and sprained his right hand. He has been having sessions with the physiotherapist to regain full movement in his hand. During mealtimes, you have noticed that Mr Andersen has difficulty in handling cutlery and other dinnerware causing him to reduce his normal intake of food. You know that he is extremely independent and does not like people feeding him. He once mentioned to you that he is embarrassed by not being able to feed himself.

As a Personal Carer, you have spoken to the facility Supervisor about Mr Andersen and it was decided that you, together with the Supervisor, will meet with Mr Andersen to find out more about how the facility can support him to be maintain independence especially during mealtimes and at the same time ensure that he maintains sufficient and healthy eating habits.

Instructions for Character 1 - Facility Supervisor:

As the facility Supervisor, you are aware of Mr. Andersen's recent accident that caused a sprained right hand. The facility has already coordinated with the hospital for physiotherapist services for the client to assist in his physical recovery. You appreciated the feedback and observations that the Personal Carer has brought to your attention and you have agreed to meet the client with the Personal Carer to ensure that Mr Andersen is supported in his everyday needs especially during mealtimes.

Instructions for Character 2 - Mr Andersen, the client:

You are about 75 years old and have been at the aged care facility for the past year. Recently, you had a fall while getting out of your bed to go to the bathroom. The only injury you suffered was a sprained wrist which caused restricted movement on your right hand. You have been having difficulty especially handling the cutlery and dinnerware during mealtimes. You want to maintain your independence and you are embarrassed to be fed by staff, especially in front of the other residents. You get frustrated at times, so you just don't eat as much as you normally do. You really want to be able to start eating on your own again.

Instructions for the Student - Aged care worker:

A. For the meeting with the client together with the Supervisor, you will need to:
• Prepare an introduction including the purpose of the meeting
• Discuss client's physical limitation of movement on the right hand and how this is affecting his eating habits
• Prepare questions that you will ask Mr Andersen that will allow him to express his needs and goals
• Discuss client's preference to stay independent and Identify/explain risk of eating unaided
• Recommend strategies for support during mealtimes
• Recommend other strategies and support services that will support client needs and goals
• Encourage Mr Andersen to decide on what strategies he wants to be implemented
• Discuss how the physiotherapist is working with the facility to ensure that measures are in place to support the quick recovery of his hand (may be aided by the Supervisor)

B. You will need to demonstrate:
• a flexible person-centred approach to empower the client
• awareness of potential risks
• use positive and respectful communication

Physical environment:

The meeting between yourself, the Supervisor and Mr Andersen will take place in the client's room in the facility. At a minimum, the environment should include chairs and a table similar to those being used in an aged care facility.

Purpose: The candidate's performance in the simulated activity will be documented while being observed by an assessor.

Instructions to the assessor The following observation checklist is used to judge and record observations of the candidate. Record your observations of the candidate's performance directly onto the checklist. You may record your observations during and/or after the observation.

The observation checklist has a series of items related to the unit of competency that form the evidence criteria.
The checklist allows you to record that you have had the opportunity to observe the candidate applying these skills and knowledge. All items on the checklist must be observed in order to record a satisfactory performance.
You need to meet the following conditions:
• The necessary information about materials and resources must be provided to the candidate, and any concerns or questions the candidate has must be clarified or answered before the observation commences.
• The period of observation should be over a period sufficient to observe all the skills outlined in the checklist provided and to ensure that the candidate's performance is captured in full.
• The candidate must complete the observation task unassisted by the observer or other personnel.

Reference no: EM133506509

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