Reference no: EM133646289
Question: The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) were introduced "by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity." (UNDPwebpage).
Select any one country from Southeast Asia (i.e. ASEAN). Research the country's approach to sustainable development. Identify what you feel are the three most important SDGs to focus on for that country's communities and a plan to meet those goals by 2030.
Conceptualise, design and prepare an infographic and an accompanying factsheet that (1) presents an accurate andengaging message and (2) outlines a community engagementplan that addresses the topic/problem outlined above.
Apply community engagement in the context of the UNSDGs and ASEAN.
research into selected ASEAN country's recent or currentapproach to sustainable development. After identifying the three UN SDGs you feel the communities of the ASEAN country can benefit the most from, outline with detailed examples a plan that you think best engages the country's communities. In this case, it will be useful to identify from your research into the ASEAN country the communities you wish to engage.
ASEAN refers to the 10 member-states of Brunei, Cambodia,Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines,Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam
Factsheet specifications
- Categories to be included:o Background to issue/problem identified, i.e.,information on country, its approach to sustainabledevelopment and related policies and issues (asframed by the SDGs), and its successes and gaps. (o Reasons for selection of the 3 SDGs (one row each)o Objective(s) of the community engagement plan, i.e., clear articulation with details/exampleso Outline of execution of the community engagement plan. i.e., details of the scope andprocess