Prepare an entity relationship diagram

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM132485084

FIT9132 Introduction to Databases - Monash University


Conceptual Modelling Exercise

Prepare an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD), showing all attributes and the identifier of each entity for the following description of a Property Rental System:

• Properties are rented by tenants. Each tenant is assigned a unique number by the Agency. Data held about tenants include family name, given name, property rented, contact address - street, city, state, postcode & telephone number. A tenant may rent more than one property and many tenants may rent parts of the same property (eg. a large shopping complex).
• Properties are owned by owners. Each property is assigned a unique property number. The agency only recognises a single owner for any of the properties it handles. The owner, address, and value are recorded for each property. Also, the lease period and bond are recorded for each property or sub-property rented. An owner may own several properties. For each owner an owner number is assigned, the owner name is also recorded.
• Properties are subject to damage and the agency records all instances of damage to its properties - property, date, type of damage and repair cost are recorded. Repair costs are charged directly to tenants
• Tenants pay accounts to the Agency - these consist of weekly rental payments, bond payments (for new properties) and damage bills. The date of payment, tenant, property, type of account (Rental, Bond, Damage) and amount are recorded. Each payment is assigned a payment number.

You should prepare a conceptual model based on the details supplied here, however as you model note down the areas where you consider further information is required from your client.

Tutorial Task
Using LucidChart, prepare a FULL conceptual model (Entity Relationship Diagram) using crow's foot notation for the Property-Rental case study. Your model must conform to the FIT9132 ERD standards listed in tutorial 3.

Attachment:- Conceptual Modelling Exercise.rar

Reference no: EM132485084

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