Prepare an analysis discussing the factors

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM1325323

Would you please help me with the following Case Study:

The Baderman Island Resort has 3 hotels, a convention center, 4 restaurants, 2 gift shops, a pro shop and a spa. While all of the business entities are owned by the Baderman Island Resort and executively managed by the Boardman Management Group, each business entity is operated independently. Each business entity was opened at different times and, while each entity started out with up-to-date computer hardware and software, upgrades of equipment and software have not been uniform.

The word processing software in use at the Resort is a case in point. Currently, we have:
* 26 computers running Windows XP and Word XP
* 38 computers running Windows 2000 and Word 2000
* 6 computers running Windows 98 and Word 97

While there is backward compatibility between the various versions of the software, the older versions do not have all of the "bells and whistles" of the newer versions. We are wondering what would be entailed to upgrade to a standard version of Microsoft Word or, alternatively, to switch to a word processing software application from another vendor

Prepare an analysis discussing the factors that should be considered in upgrading the Resort's word processing software or in purchasing a new word processing application.

Reference no: EM1325323

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