Prepare agenda slides for two different audiences

Assignment Help Financial Econometrics
Reference no: EM131308925

Adapt a presentation for different audiences.

Imagine that you work for a university as the head of transportation. You want to encourage people to take the bus, rather than park on campus, because spots are limited. Prepare agenda slides for two different audiences: faculty and students.

Your presentation may include the challenges of parking on campus, the bus schedule, a cost comparison between driving and taking the bus, and any other information you believe may be relevant to persuade each of your audiences.

Reference no: EM131308925

Questions Cloud

Rising fuel costs and a slow world economy : Like many airlines around the world, leading Australian airline Qantas is facing very difficult times in spite of having a 65% market share in its home market of Australia. Due to rising fuel costs and a slow world economy, Qantas has recently bee..
What would you expect to be the effect on interest rates : Illustrate your answer with aggregate demand and supply curves. What would you expect to be the effect on interest rates if the Fed held the money supply constant? Tell a complete story.
Calculate the annual end-of-year loan payment : Malcolm Jones borrowed $15,000 at a 14 percent annual interest rate to be repaid over three years. The loan is amortized into three equal annual end-of-year payments. Calculate the annual end-of-year loan payment.
Find the cost of the credit : Cowley Corporation has a $100,000 line of credit that requires it to keep 10% of it as compensating balance, and also pay a 1% commitment fee. The interest on the line of credit is fixed at 12%. Cowley draws only $85,000 in cash from this line. Find ..
Prepare agenda slides for two different audiences : Adapt a presentation for different audiences.- Prepare agenda slides for two different audiences: faculty and students.
What is the current value of the company stock : JJ Industries will pay a regular dividend of $3.1 per share for each of the next four years. At the end of the four years, the company will also pay out a $81 per share liquidating dividend, and the company will cease operations. If the discount rate..
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Prepare a presentation to a brazilian audience : Prepare a presentation to a Brazilian audience.- The manager of a Brazilian bank has approached your school about the possibility of sending 30 of its managers to your institution to pursue a three-month intensive course in written and oral busines..
Assuming they donot save any additional funds : Your parents will retire in 28 years. They currently have $270,000 saved, and they think they will need $2,200,000 at retirement. What annual interest rate must they earn to reach their goal, assuming they don't save any additional funds?


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