Prepare accurate bank reconciliation

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Reference no: EM132210078

Assignment - Preparation of Bank Reconciliation Statement and Control Accounts


1. The submission is in the form of an individual numerical/written report.
2. This should be written in a concise, formal business style using single spacing and font size 12.
3. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system.
4. Provide working notes wherever required.
5. The document must be submitted to turnitin in word document.
6. Please provide a bibliography using Harvard referencing system if you referred any sources for theoretical parts or questions.
7. The numbers/numerical statements and calculations must be neatly/clearly shown so that the assessor assess the work of the learner appropriately.
8. The recommended word limit is 2,000 - 2,500 words, although you will not be penalised for exceeding the total word limit.
9. The file must be saved in the format: student ID-FA-Formative-A1, for formative submission and student ID-FA-Summative-A1, for summative assignment.
10. In case of extenuating situations, the relevant college policies apply

Learning Outcomes:

LO3: Perform bank reconciliations to ensure company and bank records are correct.

LO4: Reconcile control accounts and shift recorded transactions from the suspense accounts to the right accounts.

Assignment Brief and Guidance:

The Scenario
BRS and Control Accounts - Why Variations?

Given below are the sets of transactions supplied to you as a practicing accountant to prepare bank reconciliation statements and to reconcile control accounts. The report must be submitted to the Chief Financing Officer to take necessary actions upon the deviations found in the passbook and the cash book and the control accounts. The report that you submit with detailed calculation and working notes wherever necessary will have bearing on the operating efficiency of the firm and failing on might result misrepresentation in preparing and disclosing financial information to the interested parties. Hence you have a major role to oversee the entire set of calculations.

Extract 1: For preparing Bank Reconciliation Statement for RR Telecommunications for year ending 31st December 2017

1. Bank overdraft as per pass book OMR 30,000
2. Interest on overdraft OMR 3,000
3. Insurance premium paid by the bank OMR 300
4. Cheque issued to the suppliers but not presented for payment to bank OMR 9,750
5. Cheque deposited by the business but not yet collected by the bank OMR 9,000
6. A wrong debit given by the bank OMR 750

Extract 2: For preparing Bank Reconciliation Statement for RR Telecommunications for the year ending 31 December 2017

1. Overdraft as per cash book on 31st December OMR 10,540
2. Interest on overdraft for six months ending Dec. OMR 240
3. Interest on investments collected by bank OMR 300
4. Bank charges for the above period OMR 60
5. Cheques drawn but not cashed by the customers, prior to December OMR 2,500
6. Cheques paid into the bank, but not cleared before 31st December OMR 4,200
7. A Bill Receivable for OMR 1,000 discounted with the bank was dishonoured on December 31st.
8. Cheques issued for OMR 50, returned with remark Not Sufficient Fund (NSF).

Extract 3: Transactions for clearing suspense accounts for RR Telecommunications

1. One cash payment of OMR 1,000 remain un noticed. Later the amount found to be related to the payment of stationery charges.

2. A creditor (supplier) sends an invoice for OMR 9,000 for services, which is payable in 90 days. The accounting personnel is not aware to which department will be debited or charged with this invoice. The accounting department subsequently understands invoice is relating to the R&D department and it must be charged with the invoice.

Extract 4: Data on purchase book, purchase returns book and cash payments book for reconciliation accounts for RR Telecommunications

Purchase Returns Day Book

Invoice No.


Supplier code.




















Purchase Day Book

Invoice No.


Supplier code.




















Cash Payments and Credit Purchase Book




Discount received

Cash Purchase


Trade Payables (Credit purchases)
















Cash purchase












You need to:

(a) Prepare accurate bank reconciliation that apply appropriate tools and techniques to generate accounts and balance sheet using extracts 1 and 2


(b) Produce accurate accounts that have been reconciled applying appropriate methods using extracts 3 and 4

Attachment:- Assignment Brief.rar

Reference no: EM132210078

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1/7/2019 11:08:38 PM

LO4: Reconcile control accounts and shift recorded transactions from the suspense accounts to the right accounts. P6 Explain the process taken to reconcile control accounts and clear suspense accounts using given account examples. M4 Demonstrate understanding of the different types of accounts and how and why they are reconciled. D4 Produce accurate accounts that have been reconciled applying the appropriate methods.


1/7/2019 11:08:26 PM

LO3: Perform bank reconciliations to ensure company and bank records are correct. P5 Apply the bank reconciliation process to prepare a number of bank reconciliations. M3 Apply the reconciliation process demonstrating the use of deposit in transit, outstanding checks and Not Sufficient Funds (NSF) check. D3 Prepare accurate bank reconciliations that apply appropriate tools and techniques to check general accounts and balance sheets.

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