Prepare a word document showing the original and final table

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13949902

Consider a typical sales invoice that would include the following information. Design a single table to hold all of the information required to store an invoice including this information. Next, apply normalization to reduce this table to third normal form.

Prepare a Word document showing the original and final tables. Include a short summary (2-3 paragraphs) of the problems with the original single table design and how normalization improved the design.


- Order_id
- Order_date
- Customer_id
- Customer_name
- Customer_address
- Customer_city
- Customer_state
- Item_id
- Item_description
- Item_qty
- Item_price
- Item_total_price
- Order_total_price

Please consider the following functional dependencies (FDs):

Order_Id -> Customer_id, Order_date, Order_total_price

Item_Id, Order_Id -> Item_Qty, Item_total_price, Item_description, Item_Price

Customer_id -> Customer_Name, Customer_Address, Customer_City, Customer_State

Item_Id -> Item_description, Item_price

You will use these FDs as you analyze the table for normalization.

Also, we do not want to loose any information (e.g. Order_total_price is potential derivable from other pieces of data, we want that field to show up in one of the resulting tables).

Reference no: EM13949902

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