Prepare a white paper on your assigned testing type

Assignment Help Software Engineering
Reference no: EM13957517

Assignment: Software Testing, Documentation, and Quality Assurance

Prepare a white paper (at least five pages long of text) on your assigned testing type including:

• Title Page
• Attribution Page
• Table of Contents
• Abstract
• Challenge
• Testing Method
• How the Testing Method Solves the Challenge
• Conclusion
• Links

Content Details

All pages must have an appropriate header and footer includingyour last name, date, and page number. The paper must be submitted as a .pdf document.

There are good examples of white papers on the Internet. Search on the phrase "white paper" and read a few. Compare how they handle their subjects. By and large, the most useful white papers offer information at the same time that they attempt to convince you of their product's worth.

Content Details

Title Page: The title page should be "inviting" as this is a marketing document and should include an appropriate image and an appropriate title.It must also include whether the document is draft or final.

Attribution Page: This page should be the technical aspects of the paper including your name, your credentials, the Marymount logo, word count (excluding the title, attribution, ToC and links), the date of writing, and the Honor Pledge.

Table of Contents: The TOC should be auto generated and exactly match the section headers.

Abstract: A one- or two-paragraph description of what the white paper is about. Simply tell the reader what the purpose of the paper is. Customers frequently read only the abstract and conclusion of white papers, so provide material that gives them a good reason to read the details.

Challenge: A few paragraphs covering the challengethat the testing method is designed to assist with. The section should include background on the software development challenge and use examples of what the challenge is, e.g., a software failure example. The statement should be straightforward and succinct: avoid jargon, complex sentence structure, and technical terms.

Testing Method:A fewparagraphs that describe the testing method and how it works. It should include at least one image. This is not the place to describe how the testing method solves the challenge; the section should be oriented so that the reader will be able to understand the testing method itself.

How the Testing Method Solves the Challenge: A few paragraphs that describe how the application of the testing method helps to solve the challenge. The section should provide evidence of how the product solves the challenge, and why it is the best solution available. Thissection should use persuasive language and is essentially the marketing pitch.

Conclusion: A two-paragraph summary of why the testing method is the best solution to the challenge.

Links:APA formatted references to the links(must work from document), a short summary of why the link is applicable, and what type of information it refers to. Our links should substantiate each part of the document and should include links to at least two other white papers from the last two years, they may be not on the subject you are assigned but illustrate good examples of technology white papers. Also provide yoursearch strategy (terms you looked for and the search engine(s) used)

Reference no: EM13957517

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