Prepare a website for a restaurant

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM131834564

Web System Assignment

Assessment Title - To prepare a website for a restaurant.

Purpose - Student should be able to:

  • Apply good design and coding practices to ensure the standards-compliance, presentation, and usefulness of Web content
  • Use the CSS to control Web page layout and to manipulate properties of objects on web pages

Description of the assessment: Based on task specification proposed in assignment 1 (i.e., design document developed for website), develop a website for a typical Indian restaurant. The specification of assignment is shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Specification of assignment



Home page (index)

This page should have a logo (design your own logo) and a unique tagline (few words to explain the uniqueness to describe the website).

You may put images of "today's special" or similar highlight of menu for the day.

About (about.html)

Write brief description of the restaurant e.g. number of years in the business, the parent company if it is the chain/franchise of some reputed restaurant.

Menus (menus.html)

Use this page to display electronic menu of the dishes. Please use HML5 caption under each image (Hint: you may use <figcaption> that has img as attribute). This page should not contain any text other than caption(s). Please insert at least six (6) such images. Check out different restaurant to see what can be appropriate content here.

Inside the Kitchen (kitchen.html)

Embed a YouTube video that resembles activity inside your kitchen (for example a chef cooking Tandoori chicken). Write a paragraph relating to activity shown in YouTube video highlighting special skill or recipe to prepare above dish. Use a caption to reference it from the YouTube.

Skills (skills.html)

Use this page to indicate skills needed by chef and waiters. Write a paragraph each on skills required by staff mentioned above. You may also embed a video link of Customer Service Staff.

Sitemap (sitemap.html)

Create an HTML 5 site map with working links to all the pages in the website.

Contact Us (contact.html)

Use this page to display appropriate form elements to grab users' comments, inquiry and a fake Google map.

Footer (Not a separate page but part of all the pages)

Insert the Copyright information, link to sitemap and other useful links like disclaimer, privacy policy and social media links with relevant media.

Reference no: EM131834564

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Prepare a website for a restaurant : BN102 Web System Assignment Assessment Title - To prepare a website for a restaurant. Develop a website for a typical Indian restaurant
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1/27/2018 6:30:03 AM

Submission Guidelines - All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page. The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 12-pt Times Mew Roman (Body) font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings. Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using IEEE referencing style.


1/27/2018 6:29:58 AM

In all of the pages (refer to Table 1), add a header and import special typeface from Google font API but limit this typeface only for banner. Each page must have very clear page header that represents the page and must have clear title (unique – e.g. BN102’s Website|home, BN102’s Website|About us etc.) and associated “favicon”. See an example snapshot of a homepage (below). Write a short report on your preferred test browser and browser compatibility issues, challenges that you faced during the development and a nice screenshot of your homepage (fully labelled) in addition to possible future improvement of your work.


1/27/2018 6:29:53 AM

All pages look similar in structure. All components mentioned in adjacent column has to be present. Well written taglines and special of the day. Maximum a paragraph can be written on this page. All images (if any) must have appropriate alternative text and figcaption. This page should contain the elements as mentioned above (refer table 1) Nicely resized video snapshot with a clear label below it (preferably 600 * 400 px). Provide the title of video and a paragraph of text. Write a paragraph on skills required by watering staff while serving a customer. Reinforce above by embedding a YouTube video (complete with title of video and appropriate label). Working links to all pages in website. Make use of blurbs under each of pages present explaining briefly what to expect in a typical page. At the very least provide appropriate form elements to get the customer queries, feedback and fake Google map of the restaurant.


1/27/2018 6:29:47 AM

All HTML pages MUST make a reference to myStyle.css as an external style sheet. This is NOT a page, but section of all pages where copyright information, fake privacy policy, disclaimer notice and link to social media sites are present. Report is concise and addresses all requirement of the specification Reasonably consistent pages. All pages in the site have separate title, page header and favicons. Page header is rendered by Google API. Well written taglines and image labeled ‘special of the day’. No more than a paragraph of text on images complete with appropriate alternative text and caption to image. All components of the page are present.


1/27/2018 6:29:37 AM

Nicely resized video snapshot with a clear label below it (preferably 600 * 400 px), title of video is provided. A paragraph on skills required by waiting staff while serving a customer is provided. Skills are reinforced by embedded YouTube video link. Working links to all pages in website are provided. Blurbs under each of pages are present. Appropriate form elements are provided and fake Google map of the restaurant exist. All HTML pages makes a reference to myStyle.css. This section contains copyright information, fake privacy policy; disclaimer notice and link to social media sites are present.

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