Reference no: EM133569187
Learning Outcomes
A. Describe the need for a project- based approach inside organizations;
B. Understand the role of project management as a strategic element inside organizations;
C. Critically assess the roles and responsibilities of a project manager;
D. Evaluate how to select, develop, plan, schedule and measure its outcomes and risks.
Prepare a network diagram and a Gantt chart for a project to implement a new accounting software in your company.
Follow the steps described below:
I. Research for the common lifecycle phases for software implementation projects.
II. Prepare a WBS for your project based on the phases identified in I.
III. Prepare a PDM network diagram. Use at least two different types of dependencies.
IV. Assign duration to each task and identify those that form the critical path, as well as the total duration of the project.
V. Prepare the Gantt chart, which must have at least the following components:
1. Tasks description with task code (i.e. 1.2.2 Example task name)
2. Task bars
3. Summary task bars
4. At least one milestone
5. Dependencies
It is suggested to use a Project Management software (such as free projectlibre or MS Project) to prepare the WBS, PDM and Gantt. Alternatively, it can also be done using excel. Paste the graphs and diagrams into a word document and upload a single PDF file format.