Prepare a use case diagram for the case study

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13336608

Case Study based on an Interview contained in a separate document (Please see the details in page 221 of your text book). Carefully read this case study. You are required to answer the following questions based on the Case Study.

It is expected that answers to the assignment questions be succinct and MUST be written your own words.

Question 1: UC diagram
Prepare a use case diagram for the case study.

Question 2: Description of the UCs
Write a short description for the following UC:
• Start line run
• Record employee joining the line
• Record employee leaving the line
• Stop line

Question 3: Sequence diagram
Prepare a sequence diagram for each of the UC in Q2.


Reference no: EM13336608

Questions Cloud

Find the mass of the beam : Suppose we take a 1 m long uniform bar and support it at the 23 cm mark. Hanging a 0.36 kg mass on the short end of the beam results in the system being in balance
What is difference between published and hidden job market : What is the difference between the published job market and the hidden job market. What techniques would you usually use to access the published job market.
Define ammonium chloride concentration : Calculate the pH of a solution that has an ammonium chloride concentration of .05 M and a sodium acetate concentration of .045 M
Explain the solubility of zinc phosphate in pure water : Zinc phosphate (Zn3(PO4)2) has a solubility product constant Ksp = 9.0 x 10-33. What is the solubility of zinc phosphate in...pure water
Prepare a use case diagram for the case study : Case Study based on an Interview contained in a separate document (Please see the details in page 221 of your text book). Carefully read this case study. You are required to answer the following questions based on the Case Study.
Identify the descriptive statistics used : a. identify the descriptive statistics used,
Describe concentrated nitric acid : The concentration of a commercially available concentrated nitric acid is 70.0 percent by mass, or 15.9 M. In 100 grams of solution there are 1.11 mol of HNO3. Calculate the VOLUME of 100 grams of the solution
Explain class diagram : Explain Class diagram. Outline the main steps in developing a class diagram for a Use Case(UC).
What is the electric potential energy of an electron at d : Point A is at position (4j -3k)cm. Point B is at position -3cm k. Point C is at position (3i -2j + 5k) cm. Point D is at position 4cm j. Charges of -4 and +5uC are at A and B respectively. What is the electric potential energy of an electron at D


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