Prepare a term papaer on 1926- railway labor act

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Reference no: EM131171322 , Length:

Prepare a term papaer on 1926- Railway Labor Act

Topic: 1926- Railway Labor Act

Term Paper Requirements:

The paper must be written in accordance with APA standards using the current edition.

The required length is 4-5 pages excluding the cover page, charts, tables, graphs, diagrams, photographs, the reference page, or the appendix.

The format will be double-spaced, 1-inch margins, Times New Roman, and 12pt font.

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The work is in 1200 words in APA format in MS word. The focus has been on the 1926 railway labor act which has different acts enacted to it. The work has been done focusing on the changes made during the time. The addition of the airlines and the people intervention and the disputes led to the changing behavioral pattern holds the major requirement and the setup of the company. the entire pattern is the development and the transformation of the public system through the railway labor act.

Reference no: EM131171322

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