Prepare a tabular distribution by using pw as fom

Assignment Help Finance Basics
Reference no: EM132013911

Question: A new foreign museum will be build by the CNY Group and will cost $7,000,000 to build, $850,000 annually to maintain and operate and have an expected life of 25 years. The revenue is estimated to be $2,500,000 per year. The MARR is 5%. Conduct a sensitivity analysis based on the given information.

a) Calculate the PW of the Base case based on above given data.

b) Calculate the PW for the range of -8% to +8% for initial cost.

c) Calculate the PW for the range of -30% to +30% for annual revenue.

d) Prepare a tabular distribution by using PW as FoM.

e) Rank the order of input variables for their impact of the PW.

f) Prepare a sensitivity graph comparing the percentage of deviation from the base case to the PW.

Reference no: EM132013911

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