Prepare a sustainability assessment report

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM132136187

Assessment Description

You are required to watch the following YouTube clips from the GRI Secretariat:

1. The GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards: The Future of Reporting

2. Introducing the GRI Standards

You must also read a fictional case study based on a company that will be provided to you in due course.

You must then prepare a sustainability assessment report referring to the Consolidated Set of GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards 2016 that specifically addresses:

A. Economic sustainability
i) Disclosure 201-2 Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate change
ii) Disclosure 205-3 Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken
iii) Disclosure 206-1 Legal actions for anti-competitive behaviour, anti-trust, and monopoly practices

B. Environmental sustainability
i) Disclosure 302-1 Energy consumption within the organisation
ii) Disclosure 304-2 Significant impacts of activities, products, and services on biodiversity
iii) Disclosure 307-1 Non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations

C. Social sustainability
i) Disclosure 401-1 New employee hires and employee turnover
ii) Disclosure 406-1 Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken
iii) Disclosure 413-1 Operations with local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs

You will be required to include a minimum of 15 references in your Risk Assessment Report at least 5 of which must come from academic journals or textbooks.

Attachment:- Assessment Information.rar

Verified Expert

GRI standards and its influence on economic and environmental sustainability have been discussed based on the case study provided in this report. Economic sustainability is a prime factor for any company as growth of an organization and therefore any issue regarding this will inhibits respective company's growth. Ethics, governance and sustainability has been discussed and solutions have been proposed.

Reference no: EM132136187

Questions Cloud

Write a definition of organizational leadership : Having an individualized definition of organizational leadership will prove to be helpful when having to explain the concept to upper-level managers.
Relationship between the activities of believing : The relationship between the activities of believing and perceiving is complex and interactive.
How does the baldrige framework help you : As a researcher of organizational leadership, how does the Baldrige framework help you assess organizational leadership? Identify any gaps in assessment.
Explain how the researchers implemented the design : Identify the type of qualitative research approach used and explain how the researchers implemented the design.
Prepare a sustainability assessment report : Prepare a sustainability assessment report referring to the Consolidated Set of GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards 2016 that specifically addresses
How would you evaluate vendor proposals : What are some pitfalls of selecting an EHR? How would you evaluate vendor proposals? Should information provided by vendors be accepted at face value?
How would piaget explain each child demonstrated behavior : After watching each video, explain whether each child's response to the tasks follows Piaget's predictions. How would Piaget explain each child's demonstrated.
Team member for process area in real-time : Which of the following reflects movements of an operator or team member for a process area in real-time?
Write information about bacteria - Coprococcus catus : There are 2 bacteria names given below, need to write information about - Roseburia inulinivorans and Coprococcus catus



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10/9/2018 9:42:40 PM

Format of answer consistent No efforts made to follow Meets most editing, spacing, Meets editing, spacing, fonts, Meets almost all editing, Meets all editing, spacing, fonts, /2 with question requirements and submission and editing, fonts, and other editing and other editing spacing, fonts, and other and other editing requirements. KBS guidelines spacing, etc requirements. requirements. Some requirements. editing requirements. requirements not met. In-text referencing and Inappropriate referencing. Reasonably appropriate Good referencing, largely in- Very good referencing, 100% Excellent/appropriate /1 reference list follows Harvard Not in-line with requirements referencing, generally in-line line with requirements of in-line with requirements of referencing, 100% in-line with style and consistent with KBS of Harvard style and with requirements of Harvard Harvard style and consistent Harvard style and consistent requirements of Harvard style guidelines consistent with KBS style and consistent with KBS with KBS guidelines. with KBS guidelines. and consistent with KBS guidelines. guidelines. guidelines.


10/9/2018 9:42:34 PM

Correct academic writing style used, including correct spelling, grammar and punctuation Needs more sentence variety. Little or no thought given to diction. Tone or language is conversational. Contains much informal language. Uses “I” or “you.” Contains many examples of unclear or awkward phrasing. Needs more sentence variety. Attention needed with diction. Contains informal language or conversational tone, or uses “I” or “you.” Unclear or awkward sentence phrasing. Sentence variety is adequate. Tone is appropriate. Diction is clear, but could be more effective. Language is academic, and writing is clear and effective. Very little or no unclear or awkward phrasing. Sentence variety is effective and good. Tone is appropriate and consistent. Diction/ vocabulary is appropriate and effective. Language is academic. Writing is clear, and concise. Sentence variety is effective and sophisticated. Tone is appropriate and consistent. Diction/ vocabulary is sophisticated and effective. Language is academic. Writing is clear, concise, and strong. /2


10/9/2018 9:42:27 PM

Appropriate theory and The critique does not have Reasonable critique which Good critique examines the A very good critique Fully considered all the relevant /2 research used to answer appropriate structure and lacks examines the relevant issues relevant issues and makes considered all the relevant issues and made significant question posed direction. No significant and makes reasonable good observations from issues and made important observations made from observations made from observations made from appropriate theory and observations made from appropriate theory and appropriate theory and appropriate theory and research. Good writing and appropriate theory and research. Excellent writing and research. Poor writing and research. Reasonable writing expression of arguments. research. Very good writing expression of arguments. expression of arguments. and expression of arguments. and expression of arguments.


10/9/2018 9:42:18 PM

Answer clearly and logically Serious lack of organization. Writing style could be more Paragraphs are generally well presented Body paragraphs do not refer effective. Organization is hard organized. Better transitions back to or relate to main to follow; there is little needed. The progression of arguments. Writing is progression of ideas. Little or ideas could be more formulaic, i.e. “in no transitions between thoughtful. Paragraphs relate conclusion,” “another example is….” paragraphs. Need to more effectively weave main arguments throughout and back to main arguments to prove argument. relate body paragraphs.


10/9/2018 9:42:08 PM

Sustainability Assessment Sustainability Assessment Demonstrated understanding Topic specific disclosures - Social Sustainability Report demonstrates poor of case study organization attrition, discrimination, and understanding of disclosure obligations based community engagement – management approach on mostly accurately accurately identified from the disclosure methodology. identified topic specific case study and appropriately Failure to provide narrative disclosures - attrition, disclosed in Sustainability explanation of topic discrimination, and Assessment Report with specific disclosures. community engagement. reasonably clear narrative Substandard effort to Narrative explanation using explanation using make disclosures based management approach management approach on case study information. disclosure methodology but disclosure methodology. further work required to improve clarity of disclosure.


10/9/2018 9:41:55 PM

Methodology of the management approach to Effective adoption of management approach /10 disclosure used well to disclosure methodology to prepare detailed narrative provide complete topic specific explanations of topic specific disclosures – energy disclosures - energy consumption, biodiversity, consumption, biodiversity, environmental law breaches – environmental law breaches. relevant to case study Narrative explanations are organization. Articulate and clear and incorporate vast highly detailed narrative majority of relevant details explanations included in from case study. Sustainability Assessment Report.


10/9/2018 9:41:43 PM

Sustainability Assessment Environmental Sustainability Lack of understanding of disclosure requirements of Methodology of the management approach to Sustainability Assessment Report indicates general case study organization. disclosure appropriately used awareness and solid Insufficient narrative to prepare logical narrative understanding of purpose of explanation or explanations of topic specific disclosure and required commentary of topic disclosures - energy methodology. Relevant specific disclosures - consumption, biodiversity, details from case study are energy consumption, environmental law breaches. included within narrative biodiversity, environmental Narrative explanations are explanation of topic specific law breaches. reasonably clear but some disclosures - energy Management approach important details from case consumption, biodiversity, disclosure methodology study that should be included environmental law breaches. not followed. have been overlooked.


10/9/2018 9:41:19 PM

CR (Credit) 65%-74% D (Distinction) 75% - 84% HD (High Distinction) 85%-100% Mark Assessment Content (Subject Specific) OUT OF 30 MARKS Topic specific disclosures - Comprehensive Sustainability Assessment /10 climate change, corruption, understanding of case study Report demonstrates advanced and anti-competitive organization disclosure level understanding of behavior – accurately obligations based on management approach identified from the case accurately identified topic disclosure methodology. Highly study and appropriately specific disclosures - climate detailed narrative explanation disclosed in Sustainability change, corruption, and anti- of topic specific disclosures – Assessment Report with competitive behavior. climate change, corruption, and reasonably clear narrative Clear narrative explanation anti-competitive behavior – explanation using using management approach together with accurate and total management approach disclosure methodology. disclosure based on case study disclosure methodology. information.


10/9/2018 9:41:12 PM

Criteria F (Fail) 0%-49% P (Pass) 50%-64% Assessment Content (Subject Specific) OUT OF 30 MARKS Sustainability Assessment Sustainability Assessment Demonstrated understanding Economic Sustainability Report demonstrates poor of case study organization understanding of disclosure obligations based management approach on mostly accurately disclosure methodology. identified topic specific Failure to provide narrative disclosures - climate change, explanation of topic specific corruption, and anti- disclosures. Substandard competitive behavior. effort to make disclosures Narrative explanation using based on case study management approach information. disclosure methodology but further work required to improve clarity of disclosure.

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