Prepare a social analysis project with your group

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Reference no: EM133612659

Using the instructor feedback from your Proposal, you will prepare a Social Analysis Project with your group. The purpose is to use social analysis tools to deepen your understanding of social problems and the impact of social justice issues on individuals and communities. Your final project must be submitted in a presentation format, like PowerPoint, Prezi, etc. A PowerPoint template has been supplied for you with titles and guidance on what kind of content the slides should contain. If you wish to use an alternative format to complete this project, consult your professor for approval. Our topic is Gender Inequality.


One project presentation will be submitted in the dropbox for each group. Only put the name of contributors on the first slide, and make sure to write the names of non-contributors from your group in the notes section of the dropbox.

Include the following:

1. Describe the dynamics and scope of the social problem using research from a variety of high quality, up-to-date sources.

Use the Triangle Model to analyze the role of ideology and institutions in your social problem, and their impact on individuals and communities. Include discussion of dominant discourses and power relations.

2. Include a case study that is representative of your topic and enhances understanding with a real example. (Note: you will be doing a social analysis on this case study in your presentations to the class--so keep that in mind when you make your choice.)

3. Include a section with recommendations for social change based on your research. They should address structural or ideological factors, and include global citizenship concepts like inclusion, diversity or sustainability. You can also add your own ideas to these recommendations.

Reference no: EM133612659

Questions Cloud

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Prepare a social analysis project with your group : Using the instructor feedback from your Proposal, you will prepare a Social Analysis Project with your group.
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