Prepare a short report outlining the key human activities

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Reference no: EM131214996 , Length: word count:1000



You have been provided with 9 articles that will be used as content for this assignment. Making use of the articles provided, and only these resources prepare a short report.

You work as a government consultant and have been asked to prepare a short report outlining the key human activities which impact climate change and then recommend which of these are the most important for the government to address.

Remember to support your ideas and recommendations with information from the articles. Write your assignment using the REPORT FORMAT.

Your report should conform to the structural and linguistic requirements as discussed in class. Quotes and citations should be smoothly introduced, properly punctuated, and correctly cited in APA style. Include an APA style References list at the end of your report on a separate page.

You do not have to quote from every article provided, but you MUST cite from the most relevant sources. The skill of selection is exactly the one we are trying to build. Quote directly or paraphrase as appropriate.


Article 1 - Planes, Trains, or Automobiles: Travel Choices for a Smaller Carbon Footprint Retrieved October 25, 2013, from -¬ /releases/2013/06/130617111345.htm

Article 2 - Carbon pollution accelerates, Anon. "Carbon pollution accelerates", The Courier Mail. 23rd October 2007.

Article 3 - Gore's climate theory savaged, Anon. "Gore's climate theory savaged", The Courier Mail. 13th October 2007.

Article 4 - Changes in ocean waters

Article 5 - Climate change impacts in Queensland

Article 6 - Impact on agriculture and food supply

Article 7 - Modern-Day Plague

Article 8 - Impact of Climate Change on Transportation

Article 9 - What are the potential impacts of climate change for the UK?

1000 words

4 APA references.

Attachment:- Report Material.rar

Reference no: EM131214996

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9/21/2016 4:41:59 AM

This is the assignment of report so you need to do from articles which file i upload. Referneces also need from articles. The report includes all required components and follows formatting guidelines for layout (all sections in correct place), spacing, alignment, headings, etc.. Format and layout make the report exceptionally attractive, drawing attention to the content, and enhancing readability. Almost all required components are included; formatting guidelines for layout (sections & headings), spacing, and alignment are almost always followed. 1-2 problems in format and layout, but readability and attractiveness are not affected.

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