Prepare a short presentation on coagnitive learning

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Reference no: EM133034321 , Length: 3 slides

Question: Research and prepare a short presentation on the application of the below with one example each.


Reference no: EM133034321

Questions Cloud

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Prepare a short presentation on coagnitive learning : Research and prepare a short presentation on the application of the below with one example each.
Determine two appropriate alternatives : -Assume that you have been asked to produce a computer hardware budget (computers or tablets). Your company has identified three classes of computer user.
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11/23/2021 9:47:15 PM

need to do 3 slides only there heading as (classical conditioning, observational learning, coagnitive learning) and for each of them write an example, be sure the slides information as bullets & short sentences not paragraph + Add notes (as bullets & points brief explanation) + add photos or background relating the topic

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