Prepare a short memo to president with your recommendations

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM131505679

Audit Discussiuon Problem

Assume that you are a consultant to a small business. The President of the business does not have an accounting background and has asked your assistance in establishing internal controls for the company. Conduct some brief external research on the Internet and prepare a short memo to the President with your recommendations concerning internal controls; in your memorandum, cite at least three internal controls that you recommend for this business. Be sure to explain what the type of business is in your memorandum.

Reference no: EM131505679

Questions Cloud

How many cups must be recycled annually to meet the goal : Qwest Airlines has implemented a program to recycle all plastic drink cups used on their aircraft.
Calculate the ratio of sales to assets for the company : Calculate Ratio of Sales to Assets for company you chose and interpret the result in your post. In your opinion, is company performing well in this category?
The role of personality in affecting situational behavior : Describe the role of personality in affecting situational behavior.Examine the personality characteristics attributed to each theory in your approach.
What is the cost of gasoline : A large automobile manufacturer has developed a continuous variable transmission (CVT) that provides smooth shifting and enhances fuel efficiency by 2 mpg.
Prepare a short memo to president with your recommendations : Conduct some brief external research on the Internet and prepare a short memo to the President with your recommendations concerning internal controls.
Describe what sources the investigator used : Describe what sources the investigator used, what patterns of behavior were identified, and what information was given to law enforcement.
Calculate the betweenness centrality of the node by hand : Calculate the betweenness centrality of the node by hand. Show all workings - How does the pagerank of Node 6 and Node 9 compare?
Compare the difference in life estate and joint tenancy : In a 1-2 page paper compare and contrast the difference in the following land ownership possibilities: fee simple absolute, life estate and joint tenancy.
What is the equivalent annual cost of the security cameras : The cost to equip a large cruise ship with security cameras is $500,000. If the interest rate is 15% per year and the cameras have a life of six years.


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