Prepare a scope statement for the transition project

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131232002

Scenario: Roto Air

You will be working with the following scenario throughout this course. You are free to make reasonable assumptions when facts have not been provided, but do state them as you complete the assignments.

You are a project manager for Roto Air, Inc., a successful manufacturer of autonomous rotorcraft (drone helicopters) headed by CEO Jackie Copperfield. You work at the research and development facility in central New York and have been given the assignment of transitioning the manufacturing processes for the newest product, the Quick Drop 100, to its permanent manufacturing site in central Florida. The Florida plant is non-union, has lower property taxes, and lower utility costs than the New York location. You will be sharing an existing building owned by Roto Air and used for assembly of other similar products. While floor space has been allocated for your product, the specialized machinery and tools must be procured. One of these machines is to be custom built and has a lead time of 5 months. Normal support functions such as human resources, facility maintenance, and manufacturing engineering are already available in Florida.

A manual with the product assembly instructions and specifications is needed for training the new manufacturing technicians and will remain your responsibility to complete. An appropriate budget of $1M has been approved for first year transition costs. Annual savings from the move are expected to be $250,000 per year. The budget is controlled by John Golden, plant manager in Florida. Manufacturing is scheduled to start in the new location six months from today. You have a well-qualified team of four other employees that are free to travel as needed from their New York home to Florida. Although the team members have worked on many projects, they have not worked together before. Team members are Jackie, Ken, Jose, and Shawn. Upon successful transition you will return to your responsibilities in New York.


This week you will complete the project charter. Various publications and organizations have differing contents for a charter; however you will be working with the outline preferred by Roto Air. Using the information provided, complete the steps below.

Compose a business case for transitioning the product to Florida.

Prepare a scope statement for the transition project.

Identify the most logical project sponsor and justify your choice with at least two supporting reasons.

Identify the top level project schedule.

Identify the overall budget.

Specifies at least one state or national safety standard that the manufacturing operation must comply with and explain the reason for its selection.

Your paper must be 900 to 1200 words in length (not including title and reference pages) and must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide. Contextual (Level One) headings must be used to organize your paper and your thoughts. You must cite at least two scholarly sources from the Ashford Online Library in addition to the textbook.

Reference no: EM131232002

Questions Cloud

Did you have any particular leaders in mind : In your opinion, what makes an effective leader? Is it leadership style, their attitude towards their subordinates, their ability to persuade others or to delegate tasks?
Perform read operations on multiple contiguous blocks : Compare the throughput achieved by a RAID level 5 organization with that achieved by a RAID level 1 organization for the following
What is the logic function performed by the circuit : What is the logic function performed by the circuit? - Determine the transistor W/L ratios to provide symmetrical switching times equal to the basic CMOS inverter.
Describe a synergistic team that you have observed : Describe a synergistic team that you have observed or been a part of. What recognizable characteristics were present in this team? What are some of the challenges associated with synergistic teams?
Prepare a scope statement for the transition project : Prepare a scope statement for the transition project. Identify the most logical project sponsor and justify your choice with at least two supporting reasons. Identify the top level project schedule.
Prepare an overview and list of instructions for employees : Prepare an overview and list of instructions for the new employees' mentor. Select one of the learning objectives and describe how you will train the person to learn the new skills or behavior.
Analyze key trends in health care : Analyze key trends in health care, and determine two factors that cause these trends to affect human resource managers and employees. Provide specific examples to support your rationale.
What is the logic function performed by the circuit : What is the logic function performed by the circuit? -  Design the PMOS network. - Determine the transistor W/L ratios to provide symmetrical switching times at twice the switching.
What is the effect when ? is set to a very high value : what is the effect on the page-fault frequency and the number of active (nonsuspended) processes currently executing in the system? What is the effect when ? is set to a very high value?


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