Reference no: EM132407631
Capstone Exercise
Your boss asked you to prepare a schedule for each speaker for the national conference being hosted next year on your campus. She wants to mail the schedules to the speakers so that they can provide feedback on the schedule prior to its publication. You assure her that you can accomplish this task with Access.
Database File Setup
You need to copy an original database file. rename the copied file. and then open the copied database to complete this Capstone exercise. After you open the copied database. you replace an existing employee's name with your name.
a. Open the a04c1_NatConf database and save it as a04c1NatConf_LastFirst.
b. Open the Speakers table.
c. Find and replace Your ante with your own first and last name. Close the table.
Create and Customize a Form
You want to create a form to add and update the Speakers table. Use the Form tool to create the form and modify the form as required.
You will also add a layout to an existing form.
a. Select the Speakers table in the Navigation Pane as the record source for the form.
b. Use the Form tool to create a new form with a stacked layout.
c. Change the form's title to Enter/Edit Speakers.
d. Reduce the width of the text box controls to approximately half of their original size.
e. Delete the Sessions subform control from the form.
f. View the form and the data in Form view. Sort the records by LastName in ascending order
g. Save the form as Edit Speakers. Close the form.
h. Open the Room Information form in Layout view Select all controls in the form. and apply the Stacked Layout.
i. Switch to Form view. and then save and close the form.
Create a Report
You will create a report based on the Speaker and Room Schedule query. You decide to use the Report Wizard to accomplish this task. You will also email the schedule to the presenters. so you will save the report as a PDF file.
a. Select the Speaker and Room Schedule query in the Navigation Pane as the record source for the report.
b. Activate the Report Wizard,and use the following options as you proceed through the wizard steps:
• Select all of the available fields for the report.
• View the data by Speakers.
• Accept LastName and FirstName as the grouping levels.
• Use Date as the primary sort field in ascending order.
• Accept the Stepped and Portrait options.
• Save the report as Speaker Schedule.
• Switch to Layout view. and apply the Organic theme to this report only.
c. Switch to Report view to determine whether all of the columns fit across the page. Switch to Layout view, and ensure that the column widths are adjusted accordingly.
d. Switch to Print Preview, and save the report as a PDF named a04c1Speaker_LastFirst.
e. Close the reader program that displays the PDF report. and return to Access. Close Print Preview. Save and close the report.
Add an Additional Field to the Query and the Report
You realize that the session start times were not included in the query. You add the field to the query and then create a new report with the Report Wizard to include the missing field.
a. Open the Speaker and Room Schedule query in Design view.
b. Add the StartingTime field from the Sessions table to the design grid, after the Date field. Run the query.
c. Save and close the query.
d. Click the Speaker and Room Schedule query. Activate the Report Wizard again and use the following options:
• Select all of the available fields for the report.
• View the data by Speakers.
• Use the LastName and FirstName fields as the grouping levels.
• Use Date as the primary sort field in ascending order
• Use StartIngTime as the secondary sort field in ascending order.
• Select the Stepped and Portrait options.
• Name the report Speaker Schedule Revised.
• Switch to layout view and apply the Facet theme to this report only.
e. Adjust the widths of the columns and other controls so that all the data is visible. and Ms across the page. Switch to Reportwiew to ensure that the adjustments ‘vere appropriate. Return to Layout view and make any required changes.
f. Add spaces to the column heading labels so that all values display as two words where appropriate, for example, the label LastName should read Last Name. RoomID as Room ID, etc.
g. Save and close the report.
h. Close the database and exit Access. Based on your instructor's directions, submit the following:
Attachment:- a04c1NatConf.rar