Prepare a risk assessment report on the investments

Assignment Help Case Study
Reference no: EM131831381 , Length: word count:1800

Assessment Description

You are required to read the following journal article:

1. How Risky is Your Company? HBR. May-June 1999

Article - How Risky Is Your Company? by Robert Simons

View the Risk Exposure Calculator.

You are also required to read a fictional case study based on the operations of a rapidly growing investments seminar company that will be provided to you in class and via email.

You must then prepare a risk assessment report on the investments seminar company using the Risk Exposure Calculator and specifically address:

A. Pressure points due to growth
i) pressure for performance
ii) rate of expansion
iii) inexperience of key employees

B. Pressure points due to culture
i) rewards for entrepreneurial risk taking
ii) executive resistance to bad news
iii) level of internal competition

C. Pressure points due to information management
i) transaction complexity and velocity
ii) gaps in diagnostic performance
iii) degree of decentralised decision making

Verified Expert

The assignment has been prepared by reading the case given. The case was based on a fictitious organization. Upon analyzing it against the key pressure points, it was found the company is in the high risk zone. Scoring for each element is given in the paper with proper justification as to why this scoring was given in the first place. I have ensured that the references are categorized into different categories such as books, journals etc. However, most of the information was self-developed based on the reading in the article and the case given.

Reference no: EM131831381

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1/25/2018 12:25:10 AM

Format of answer consistent No efforts made to follow Meets most editing, spacing, Meets editing, spacing, fonts, Meets almost all editing, Meets all editing, spacing, fonts, /3 with question requirements and submission and editing, fonts, and other editing and other editing spacing, fonts, and other and other editing requirements. KBS guidelines spacing, etc requirements. requirements. Some requirements. editing requirements. requirements not met. In-text referencing and Inappropriate referencing. Reasonably appropriate Good referencing, largely in- Very good referencing, 100% Excellent/appropriate /3 reference list follows Harvard Not in-line with requirements referencing, generally in-line line with requirements of in-line with requirements of referencing, 100% in-line with style and consistent with KBS of Harvard style and with requirements of Harvard Harvard style and consistent Harvard style and consistent requirements of Harvard style guidelines consistent with KBS style and consistent with KBS with KBS guidelines. with KBS guidelines. and consistent with KBS guidelines. guidelines. guidelines.


1/25/2018 12:24:42 AM

Correct academic writing style used, including correct spelling, grammar and punctuation Needs more sentence variety. Little or no thought given to diction. Tone or language is conversational. Contains much informal language. Uses “I” or “you.” Contains many examples of unclear or awkward phrasing. Needs more sentence variety. Attention needed with diction. Contains informal language or conversational tone, or uses “I” or “you.” Unclear or awkward sentence phrasing. Sentence variety is adequate. Tone is appropriate. Diction is clear, but could be more effective. Language is academic, and writing is clear and effective. Very little or no unclear or awkward phrasing.


1/25/2018 12:24:35 AM

Appropriate theory and The critique does not have Reasonable critique which Good critique examines the A very good critique Fully considered all the relevant research used to answer appropriate structure and lacks examines the relevant issues relevant issues and makes considered all the relevant issues and made significant question posed direction. No significant and makes reasonable good observations from issues and made important observations made from observations made from observations made from appropriate theory and observations made from appropriate theory and appropriate theory and appropriate theory and research. Good writing and appropriate theory and research. Excellent writing and research. Poor writing and research. Reasonable writing expression of arguments. research. Very good writing expression of arguments. expression of arguments. and expression of arguments. and expression of arguments.


1/25/2018 12:24:27 AM

Answer clearly and logically Serious lack of organization. Writing style could be more Paragraphs are generally well presented Body paragraphs do not refer effective. Organization is hard organized. Better transitions back to or relate to main to follow; there is little needed. The progression of arguments. Writing is progression of ideas. Little or ideas could be more formulaic, i.e. “in conclusion,” “another example is….” no transitions between paragraphs. Need to more effectively weave main arguments throughout and thoughtful. Paragraphs relate back to main arguments to prove argument. relate body paragraphs.


1/25/2018 12:24:15 AM

Pressure Points Risk Assessment Report Pressure points due to Risk Assessment Report Information management does not adequately explain information management are includes discussion of the kinds of pressure points sufficiently explained. The pressure points supported due to information company’s level of pressure by logical explanation. The management or gauge the is gauged using the Risk Risk Exposure Calculator company’s level of pressure. Exposure Calculator but is accurately used to The Risk Exposure more detail is required to demonstrate the level of Calculator is not used or is illustrate the link between the risk to the company. used in a manner that pressure point and the risk to indicates its purpose has the company. been misunderstood.


1/25/2018 12:24:06 AM

Risk Assessment Report Pressure points due to culture /30 includes detailed explanation are comprehensively explained. of pressure points due to The Risk Assessment Report culture. Company risk levels accurately gauges the are gauged using the Risk company’s level of pressure. Exposure Calculator with The Risk Exposure Calculator additional consideration of incorporates the overall zone of company’s overall zone of risk. risk of the company and measures the company could take to mitigate identified risks.


1/25/2018 12:23:57 AM

Pressure Points Pressure points due to Risk Assessment Report Cultural pressure points are Culture culture are not adequately includes discussion of logically explained and explained. The Risk pressure points due to correctly identified. The Assessment Report does culture together with company’s risk exposure to not gauge the company’s sufficient explanation. pressure points due to culture level of pressure. The Company risk levels are is also accurately identified Risk Exposure Calculator gauged using the Risk using the Risk Exposure is not used or is used in a Exposure Calculator but Calculator. manner that indicates its further commentary is purpose has been necessary to misunderstood. demonstrate relationship between indicator and risk level.


1/25/2018 12:23:36 AM

Criteria F (Fail) 0%-49% P (Pass) 50%-64% CR (Credit) 65%-74% D (Distinction) 75% - 84% Assessment Content (Subject Specific) OUT OF 80 MARKS Pressure Points Risk Assessment Report Pressure points due to Risk Assessment Report Pressure points due to Growth does not adequately explain growth are sufficiently includes discussion of growth are explained in the kinds of pressure points explained. The company’s pressure points supported detail. The company’s level due to growth or gauge the level of pressure is gauged by logical explanation. The of pressure is accurately company’s level of pressure. using the Risk Exposure Risk Exposure Calculator gauged using the Risk The Risk Exposure Calculator but more detail is is accurately used to Exposure Calculator with a Calculator is not used or is required to illustrate the link demonstrate the level of further discussion of the used in a manner that between the pressure point risk to the company. overall zone of risk the indicates its purpose has and the risk to the company. company falls into. been misunderstood.

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