Reference no: EM131286787
Prepare a Research paper on The Effects of Poverty.
Research paper with Annotated bibliography as reference.
References Alkire,S., Foster, J., Seth, S.(2015). Multidimensional Poverty Measurement and Analysis.
Oxford University Press.
In this book, Sabina Alkire, Director, Oxford Poverty & Human Development Initiative, University of Oxford has made an approach to create an interest in multidimensional poverty measurement and analysis. The book is categorized into four parts. In which first part gives the basic framework for multidimensional measurement also various multidimensional techniques with the problems each technique can address are overviewed. Second part gives in-depth synthetic approach to count the multidimensional poverty measures that had a great impact on income measurement of poverty. Last two parts will give estimation issues about the measurement techniques which were used.
Galston, W.A., Hoffenberg, P.H. (2010). Poverty and Morality: Religious and Secular
Perspectives. Cambridge University.
The book explains the ways that influence the ethics, traditions, religious, western conflicting ideas with the moral dimensions of poor. The religions included are Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, and many others. The basic thing or question arising from these religions is then linked to the theme of what poverty is and a responsibility towards poverty and priorities.
Goldsmith, W., Blakely, E. (2010). Separate Societies: Poverty and Inequality in U.S. Cities.
Temple University Press.
Goldsmith exclaimed that political and economic forces are not enough to prevent the poverty. They only generate poverty. The authors paint a clear picture on poor people in urban areas of America. The lack of resources by the poor is discussed briefly in this book.
Jones, N., Sumner, A. (2011). Child Poverty, Evidence and Policy: Mainstreaming children in
International Development. Policy Press.
This book is focused on the institutions, ideas developed for poor children and their future. Many case studies, approaches from various parts of America are described in this book.
Kneebone, E., Berube, A. (2013). Confronting Suburban Poverty in America. Brookings
Institution Press.
Kneebone and Berube have created a new view of poverty in America and the various ways to deal with it. Suggestions and recommendations for common public, leaders pointing towards the current strategies and economic opportunities are presented in this book. The ways leaders are doing more with less resources are discussed.
Korstad, R.R., Leloudis,J.L.(2011).The North Carolina Fund and the Battle to End Poverty and
Inequality in 1960s America. University of North Carolina Press.
This book contributes to the effort of war against poverty in America. The book focuses the North Carolina Fund which was established in 1963 and how this program was beneficial for many people who are poor. In 1968, the fund was closed and politics and race took the advantage in it. The North Carolina fund is an inspiration to modern Americans.
Lamy, C.E.(2013). American Children in Chronic Poverty: Complex Risks, Benefit-Cost
Analyses, and Untangling the Knot. Rowman& Littlefield.
Lamy describes the complex risks and problems that children face when they grow up in poverty. Extensive research is made on children, people, families and the programs and policies which will reduce costs are determined by Lamy against poverty. It is written with hope of a future without poverty.
Raz, M. (2013). What's wrong with the poor? Psychiatry, race, and the war on poverty. NC Press.
Raz analyzed the social, political and psychiatric theories to determine the causes of poverty. With help of policymakers basic understanding was created on poverty in America and deprivation theory was given which is discussed in this book.
Rhee, H. (2012). Loving the Poor, Saving the Rich: Wealth, Poverty, and Early Christian
Formation. Grand Rapids: Baker Publishing Group.
With the help of Christian disciples, the issue on wealth and poverty is discussed in this book. The care for poor is the important factor in Christian disciples. The study is made on how Christians respected the teachings of Jewish and Greco-Roman moral practices. Helen Rhee also shows the impact of wealth and poverty on formation of Christian identity.
Walker, A., Sinfield, A., & Walker, C. (2011). Fighting poverty, inequality and injustice: A
manifesto inspired by Peter Townsend. Bristol: Policy Press.
This book describes the cause of social justices made. Examples and debates by many authors, contributors and policymakers are discussed and suggestions are made for creating an equal and socially justifiable society.