Reference no: EM132405641
BUS 1170 - Introduction to Management - Lethbridge College
Topic - People do not like change. why not?
Research Paper and Presentation Instructions
This is your opportunity to delve into, reflect on, and report on a topic in management. You will conduct research, evaluate your research, prepare a written research paper and present your research findings to the class. I hope you will view the assignment as an opportunity to discover the value of research in developing an understanding of a topic in management that interests you. If you choose a topic you care about, it will show.
Assignment Guidelines
1. The leadership/management topic has been assigned to you. In Canvas, go to your bus1170 course. In the dark grey column on the left of your screen, click "Groups". Look for a group called "research#". The # in the "research#" indicates your research topic.
• To find your topic, go to the modules tab in the BUS1170 Canvas page and scroll down to Research topic.docx in the Research Paper and Presentation section.
o For example: If I go to the groups tab and find that Research41 is my group, I would go to the researchtopic.docx and find, "41. Money does not buy love, and it doesn't buy motivation. Explore how money is used to motivate employees and whether or not it works as a motivator."
• Go through the brainstorming/narrowing process discussed in today's class with the Librarian.
2. Search for resources regarding your topic; you will need at least (minimum) three sources other than the textbook. Possible sources include business journals, management books, on-line educational materials and/or relevant primary and/or secondary sources.If you cannot find adequate sources of information, you may need to change your topic, however, maintain an "open mind" as you may find your research leads in another direction. If your topic bores you at this point, please do yourself and us all a favor, and start over at step #1.
3. Complete the Topic Formdocument outlining the nature of your project and your intended research. You will:
• Design a research statement/question (thesis) about your topic & submit it to your instructor to ensure your topic is appropriate.
• Identify and evaluate 3 research sources appropriate to your topic.
4. Once your project is approved, use your research and prepare your report and presentation.
Research: you must reflect on your research (e.g. why is the topic important) and critically evaluate its merit based on who created the research and the process by which the author created it.
Content: you must thoroughly address your topic. This may require that you narrow your topic considerably. Your report and presentation must reveal that you understand your thesis, your research and utilize of it in develop the analytical content of your paper.
Report: 1200-1500 words in length. (About 5 - 6 pages typed, double spaced, font size 12.) Proper academic writing style and format must be used, with proper documentation of sources (APA).
Oral Presentation: an oral presentation in front of your peers in this course is required in order to receive a grade for your report. Recommended length: 5 minutes. You must present - not read - your material to your classmates, and be prepared to answer questions.