Prepare a research-based report containing recommendations

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133540766


As a cross-cultural consultant, prepare a research-based report containing 3 justified recommendations outlining appropriate managerial behaviour for a global manager of ABC Investment Bank who is going overseas to lead its foreign subsidiary. To write your report, use the countries U.S and China, and critically examine their cross-cultural differences and similarities choosing a few from the following concepts, and theories.

Not limited to but some examples of concepts and theories are contemporary approaches to cross-cultural leadership (Universal, normative, contingency approach), GLOBE leadership dimensions, negations and global partnerships, gender differences and culture and the psychology of work, power distance, individualism vs collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity vs femininity, long-term vs short-term orientation, relationship building, cultural sensitivity development, work-life balance, leadership style, communication and decision making.

Reference no: EM133540766

Questions Cloud

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