Prepare a report on the e commerce strategy

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM131385029

Interview the owner of a local small business that you believe might benefit from e-commerce.

Prepare a report on the e-commerce strategy being pursued or the reasons this particular business is not involved in e-commerce.

Reference no: EM131385029

Questions Cloud

Evaluate a local site that is now vacant : Identify and evaluate a local site that is now vacant because of a business closure. Point out the strengths and weaknesses of that location for the former business, and comment on the part location may have played in the closure.
Identify the top three to five factors that would need : Identify the top three to five factors that would need to be considered when recruiting in your chosen region. Develop a persuasive closing summary that describes why the factors you identified are important.
Prepare a brief report summarizing findings : Interview a small business owner concerning the strengths and weaknesses of his or her business's location. Prepare a brief report summarizing your findings.
Evaluate how successful the author was in convincing : Clearly state in your own words the "surprise ending" in the reading you selected. Clearly identify the point in the reading when you realized that there were elements in the reading that surprised you. Not all of the surprises come at the end.Eva..
Prepare a report on the e commerce strategy : Prepare a report on the e-commerce strategy being pursued or the reasons this particular business is not involved in e-commerce.
Select starting a home based business-is it right for you : Are there questions and issues noted that you had not considered and that might affect your location decision? Can you think of questions not addressed on this website?
Provide a summary of the wireless technology that you chose : Provide a summary of the wireless technology that you chose. List at least one reference at the end of the paper - and cite in the body of the paper where used.
Determine key propositions of developmental theories : Developmental theories have achieved widespread acceptance because they explain onset; escalation; course maintenance; de-escalation; desistance in individuals' delinquent and criminal careers. Developmental models help to map the offense-based pa..
What business environment factors will influence location : How important are your personal reasons for choosing a location?- What business environment factors will influence your location decision?


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