Prepare a report for sally

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM131355761 , Length: word count:2500

Auditing Assurance & Services Individual Assignment -

Research Question - Auditors' Liability

You work in a chartered accounting firm and your partner, Sally Smith, has asked you to do some research and write a report to update her about the potential liability that auditors face as a result of the global financial crisis. The issue arose when a neighbor mentioned to Sally at the weekend that a global accounting firm has had a class action lodged against it over the collapse of Lehman Brothers.


Using the reference materials available on the internet, research the topic and prepare a report for Sally, fully referenced and up to 2500 words. Minimum of 8 academic references is required.

Reference no: EM131355761

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Prepare a report for sally : Auditing Assurance & Services ACC707 Individual Assignment. Using the reference materials available on the internet, research the topic and prepare a report for Sally, fully referenced and up to 2500 words. Minimum of 8 academic references is requi..
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1/16/2017 6:28:39 AM

Integration and originality in the selection and handling of relevant theory to build and justify analysis. Wide range of current and relevant sources integrated in systematic way. Identifies and insightfully discusses auditor’s liability and duty of care. Strong links to accounting issues and auditor responsibility & duty of care in respect of Lehman Brothers. All aspects of the task completed in a comprehensive and cohesive manner. Excellent recommendations made, linked to the evaluation of auditor’s liability and duty of care. Theory used in insightful way to justify recommendations and discuss enhancement of the auditor’s duty and responsibility. Highly professional presentation – satisfies all presentation elements. Correct referencing throughout.


1/16/2017 6:28:32 AM

Australian student, 2500 words, I want specialized expert in Auditing, who actually knows how to follow the rubric. It’s worth 30% marks, and I need 24 to pass, anything below 24 will cause me to fail. The report should include title page, executive summary, table of contents, appropriate headings and sub headings, recommendations, reference list (Harvard – Anglia style), attachments if relevant. Single spaced, font Times New Roman 12pt.

Write a Review

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