Prepare a report about model-view-controller

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM131367406

Learning Outcomes:

On conclusion students should be able to:

LOC 1: Assess the distributed technology of Java Enterprise Edition in the context of distributed enterprise applications.

LOC 2: Create, code, and test the components and provide clients access to these components.

LOC 3: Organise, install and test a distributed java technology application.

LOC 4: Critically evaluate a variety of distributed enterprise object-based systems by examining characteristics such as architectures, methods of communication, naming, synchronisation, and replication.

Assignment Requirements (Part One)

Prepare a report about Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern roles in the Distributed Web Application. Compare and Contrast the Java Script based Client Side Rendering Framework of your choice and Java Server Faces (JSF) by providing suitable diagrams and code snippets. (Approximately 3000 words)

Assignment Requirements (Part Two)

1. The assignment is to design and implement a web-based on-line Express Bus Reservation application for both travellers and reservation manager. Travellers should be able to register themselves with the reservation site, enter personal profile information (name, identification card number, address, email address, telephone number, and credit card information), prepare for itineraries, and book express bus tickets. The reservation manager should be able to publish and update Express Bus information, and generate an inventory report.

2. Common functionality for both travellers and manager:
Welcome web page which has an option to log in using a username / password and an option to register new user.

3. The following functionalities should be provided for the manager:

a. One or more web pages for the manager to add/cancel/list express bus with the following information:

- Express Bus Code, Number of Seats, Route Details, Departure Location, Departure Day, Departure Time, Arrival Location, Arrival Day, Arrival Time and Cost.

b. When an express bus is cancelled in the application, all itineraries that are reserved and booked will become cancelled as well.

c. The inventory report should contain a summary of all express buses in the reservation system that still have any unsold seats and the total number of unsold seats of all express buses.
- The manager would like to get as much useful information from the application as possible and is therefore open to the inclusion of any other useful reports.
d. The manager should be able to log out at any stage during his/her session and all the changes done should be saved.

4. The following functionalities should be provided for on-line travellers:
a. A web page for a traveller to register him/herself with name, identification card number, address, email address, username and password, as well as credit card information which includes a 16-digit card number and a 4-digit expiration date.

b. Once a traveller is logged in, he/she will be shown a list of travel itineraries along with the status of each itinerary (reserved, booked, or cancelled). A travel itinerary is a travel arrangement with one or more express buses. It has the status reserved when it is created by a traveller, booked when it is paid, and cancelled when it is deleted by the traveller from his/her itinerary list, or one of the express buses in the itinerary becomes cancelled by the reservation manager, or payment not received after 2 days (simulating the 24 hours holding period in the real world). If they travel date is less than 4 days from the reservation date, the payment should be made within 1 hours of reservation or else the reservation will be cancelled.

c. A traveller is able to create and book a travel itinerary by going through the following steps:

- Search for Express Bus information by providing departure/arrival date/time and location, number of passengers, one-way or round trip, and the max number of stops.

- A list of available itinerary options will be shown to the on-line traveller, with departure/arrival and cost information. The departure time will be plus or minus hours within the specified departure time.

- Once the traveller selects an itinerary from the list, he or she has the option to reserve it. Before the traveller can reserve the selected itinerary, he or she must be logged in.

- Once the traveller reserves an itinerary, he or she has the option to book it by making payment via credit card.

- The credit card information has to be validated first before booking. As simplicity for this assignment, a valid combination of credit card number and expiration date is defined in such a way that the 4-digit expiration date is defined with a valid mmdd format, and as an integer is a denominator of the 16-digit card number.

- Once the credit card is validated, the traveller will be shown with the actual ticket information. The ticket number is automatically generated by the application in the format of XXX-YYYYYY-ZZZ, where XXX is the Express Bus Code, YYYYYY is the traveller's login name, and ZZZ is a 3-digit sequence number generated by the application. The sequence number is unique for each traveller.

- If the credit card number is invalid, a web page with an error message will be displayed to the user and asks the user to re-enter the credit card information.

d. A traveller is able to cancel an itinerary from his/her itinerary list if it has not been paid. Cancellation after payment is not permitted.

e. The traveller should be able to log out at any stage during his/her session. If the traveller is logged out during the preparation of an itinerary, the next time when the traveller is logged in again, he or she should be able to continue with the existing preparation process.

5. The application is to be developed in a multi-tier architecture with each tier to be implemented using the technologies defined as follows:
a. The presentation tier is a web application based on Java Servlet/JSP technologies. The JSPs may contain Standard Tag Library functions and Servlet may be used for validating input fields with predefined string and/or number format (e.g. credit card number and expiration date).

b. The business tier is an application that contains the business logic and processes with connections to the backend database via JDBC using Data Access Object (DAO) or Enterprise Java Beans (EJB).

c. The database tier is a database application used to store all relevant data of the application.

The deliverable consists of a design document, source code, and deployable modules/application. The design document should describe the system architecture, components, and customized component frameworks. The deliverable as a single JEE 6 project is to be sent to the Admin (burned on a CD) on or before the project due date (6th February 2017, 5 pm). Your design documents should include the following content:
- A cover page and Table of contents (with page numbering).
- Evaluation report (Part One).
- Overview of your application and a brief description of the system architecture (and UML diagrams) and interconnection among the tiers.
- Web page design, including a general navigation chart of all pages.
- Database design, with description of each table and an E-R diagram, or a domain diagram to describe the relationships. Design of database access APIs.
- Design of web components with a brief description of how the web component technologies are used (Servlet, JSPs).
- Design of business tier with a brief description of how the technologies are used (EJBs, DAOs).
- References

Reference no: EM131367406

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1/23/2017 1:00:54 AM

Instructions: This is an individual assignment. Upon submission of your assignment, you would be required to present your assignment at a date and time specified by your module lecturer. MARKING CRITERIA Evaluation Report (30 %) Implementation (50 %) ? Implementation of Presentation Tier – 20 % ? Implementation of Business Tier – 20 % ? Implementation of Database Tier – 10 %


1/23/2017 1:00:46 AM

Before delivering the final package, please test the ear files and database files on another machine or your own, or simply delete your existing application and database files, then drop the ear file into the auto-deploy directory, and the database files into the database directory of the application server, and see if everything would deploy and work the same as before. Software Required: • Java Development Kit (JDK) 8 update 45 • Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) 6 / Netbeans 8.1 • Database, MySQL / Java DB Useful Resources: - Beginning Java EE 6 Platform with GlassFish 3: From Novice to Professional Apress, 2009; (ISBN: 978-1-4302-1954-5) - Beginning Java EE 5: From Novice to Professional, Apress, 2005; (ISBN: 1-59059-470-3)


1/23/2017 12:58:59 AM

Suggested Development Steps: 1. It is recommended that you follow the standard software development process, from analysis to design, then to implementation and testing. A good start would be trying to understand the application requirement and to layout the web pages and their relationship to Servlets/JSPs, and data entities. A good design would make your implementation much easier. 2. You need to divide the application into components according to their tiers. Once you have a thorough design completed and the interface among these components defined, you may proceed to implement and test each component one at a time, without having them interact with each other. Once you have each component fully implemented and tested, you can proceed with the integration. 3. It is recommended to complete your design, and then start implementing your system based on your design (not vice versa). If you found out during the implementation stage that something is wrong with your design, go back to your documentation and correct it before continuing with the implementation. Update your design document as you redesign and code.

Write a Review

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