Prepare a proposal to conduct polling for the 2024 president

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Reference no: EM133415132

Question: Following the last few national elections in both Canada and the United States a number of major media outlets have become frustrated with the polling industry because of (in the media's view) the increasing inability to accurately predict election outcomes, which is why the media is interested in the first place. As a result of your excellent grasp of the intricacies of political polling from taking this course, CBN Media (fictional) has invited you to prepare a proposal to conduct polling for the 2024 presidential election in the United States, as well as an upcoming provincial election in Alberta.

CBN Media has asked that you include the following in your proposal:

Timing and Roles

Provide a Gantt chart indicating the timing of the major steps in your research program:
For the Alberta Election (Spring 2023)
For the US Elections (November 2024)
Roles of each team member in preparing/presenting the proposal

Reference no: EM133415132

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