Prepare a proposal about how cloud computing

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM131823770 , Length: word count:2000

Networking Case Study


This case study has been divided into four components.

You are to design a network, research and source appropriate devices justifying choices (feasibility, efficiency, etc.), subnet the network, and assign IP addresses to the appropriate devices.

A major data analytics company has asked you to assess and redesign their network.

They are opening new branches in Sydney and Adelaide, which will require new equipment. They have existing contracts and hardware to maintain fibre optic leased line WAN links between sites.

PART 1 - Network specifications and diagram

PART 2 - Subnet the network and assign IP addresses to the appropriate devices

PART 3 - Research and source appropriate devices justifying choices (feasibility, efficiency, etc.) with a Weighted Scoring Model (WSM) and documented report

Do only PART 4 - Cloud computing proposal

PART 4 - Cloud computing proposal

You have been asked to prepare a proposal about how cloud computing could be used to reduce the company's hardware, service, and energy costs. You are to consider the following three scenarios, and make a recommendation on which to choose:

1. Replacing ALL work stations with in the organisation with thin clients, which will access a desktop environment provided by a cloud service provider (such as Amazon).

2. Replacing ALL workstations with in the organisation with thin clients,which will access a desktop environment provided by a private cloud infrastructure, created in-house and based inZurich.

3. Continuing to useworkstations.

The company's current contract is $800 per workstation, per year, for hardware and service. On average, each workstation currently consumes 200 kWh per year of electricity.

In making your recommendation, you should consider costs. This will involve picking a cloud computing service (any one will do), and checking their current prices.

As well as costs, you should also consider the security implications of moving to a cloud service.

Your proposal should not exceed 2000 words. You must provide citations for any references that you use.

Reference no: EM131823770

Questions Cloud

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Prepare a proposal about how cloud computing : Network specifications and diagram and Research and source appropriate devices justifying choices (feasibility, efficiency, etc.) with a Weighted Scoring Model
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