Prepare a project management plan

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Reference no: EM132300077

Group Project -Project Management


b. Demonstrate project leadership skills; identify and assess risk in designing and executing a major project;
c. Reflect on current project management ethics, research, theory and practice;
d. Explain projects effectively through planning, leadership, monitoring, teamwork and global awareness

Assessment Scope

This assessment task is designed to be completed in teams of 3-5 members assigned by each tutor. Allocated teams will be advised in their computer labs throughout Weeks 6 and 7 and/or by corporate email. You have to choose a real ICT Project or Case Study to prepare a Project Management Plan (PMP). If you can't find a suitable project or case study, contact your lecturer or tutor asap.

The purpose of the assignment is to develop a thoroughly researched and professionally designed project management plan, including a project proposal to be approved by your supervising tutor and a final presentation. The PMP should assess and analyse all project management, quality and constraint elements and criteria relevant to successful project completion.

The project duration should be between 3 to 12 months. Once your project proposal has been approved by the supervising tutor, the team is required to address all stages and management processes of the project as outlined throughout the unit. This includes execution and post implementation review, recommendations for future improvements and use of suitable PM software such as MS Project 16 or similar.

Potential Assignment Topics and Case Study Resources

• System Architecture in IoT Platform
• Developing Cloud Solutions in the Banking sector
• Analytics and Data Security in Social Media network
• User Platform/App DevOps
• Legacy System integration with Cloud Services


The assignment cover should clearly state all team members' details including MIT ID. The PMP title cover must outline nominated Project Manager, PM Assistant and Associates. The Project Manager must nominate only 1 team Member responsible for submitting the assignment on Moodle. The PMP should clearly identify the proposed strategic change, expected outcomes, key milestones and deliverables, and appropriate project planning and reporting templates. It should include the following key points.

• Project Proposal (See template on next page)
• Clear outline of the project including title, start and end dates, goals and objectives
• Functional and non-functional requirements
• Team members' skills (hard and soft), qualifications and levels of experience and responsibility.
• Scope Re Objective/s, schedule, cost and resource estimates, Gantt chart, network diagram, Integrated Change Control
• Quality management, stakeholder analysis and communications plan
• Risk management
• Project Management software output Re WBS, time and resource allocation, applied costs, network diagram and Gantt chart
• Ethical values and potential issues relevant to the project
• Project deployment and handover plan
• Post implementation review and recommendations
• Project Signoff/Charter signed by all team members
• Presentation - 7-minute pitch (free professional format)

Templates - Project Proposal and Master Plan Project Proposal

Your proposal should be about 400 to 500 words. It should be project focussed rather than vague, concise and written in clear Business English and Project Management language. All teams must meet Projects Proposal approval from their supervising Tutor to be able to commence and submit their final Project Management Plan. This activity will facilitate initial identification of potential issues and concerns following suitable advice.

1. Project Title
2. Project and Business Background
3. Expected Business Outcomes
4. SOW (Statement Of Work)
5. Objectives (SMART format)
6. Start and Completion Dates
7. Stakeholders
8. Strategic Benefits
9. Project Team
10. Potential Risks
11. Initial Cost Estimates
12. Signoff - Project Manager - Supervising Tutor (Sponsor)
13. Date

Project Management Report
The report should have a consistent, professional, and well-organised appearance. Create the report (Minimum 1800 Words) with the following format. Reference sources (IEEE style) must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list

1. Cover Page
2. Executive Summary
3. Table of Contents
4. Charter
a. Business Case
b. Stakeholders - Internal and External
c. Project Team and Sponsor
5. Scope
a. SOW
b. Objectives (SMART format)
c. Deliverables
d. Milestones
e. Functional and Non-functional Requirements
f. Project Boundaries - Limits & Exclusions
g. Customer Review
6. Project Schedule
a. WBS (Work Breakdown Structure)
b. Gantt Chart
c. Network Diagram - Critical Path
7. Cost Estimates - Budgeting
8. Risk Management
a. Risk Matrix
b. Risk Register
9. PMO (Project Management Office)
a. Stakeholder analysis
b. Stakeholder Register
c. Project Organisation
d. Project Roles and Responsibilities
e. Ethical Framework - Dilemmas, Values, Resolutions
f. Communications Plan
g. Management reporting
h. Status reports
i. Integrated Change Control
j. Reference Minutes
10. Reference List & Appendices

Attachment:- Project Management.rar

Reference no: EM132300077

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5/6/2019 3:27:24 AM

Project Deployment (5) Excellent deployment plan. Plan is easy to follow, sequence of activities are very clear and well explained Project signoff, project review and recommendat ions (3) Project signoff document included. Excellent review and recommendat ions Reference and Appendices (2) Clear styles with excellent source of references Grammar and Writing Spelling and demonstrates Presentation sophisticated (3) clarity, conciseness, and correctness; includes thorough details and information; extremely well- organized


5/6/2019 3:27:13 AM

Grade HD 80-100 Excellent Executive Excellent summary, summary of charter, project proposal and provided. logical Purpose and structure (7) scope of project clearly explained and information sources have been correctly referenced Project Demonstrated constraints excellent and ability to requirements define and (10) explain well focused project scope and constraints Project Demonstrated stakeholders, excellent communicatio ability to ns, risk define all management required plan and project plans. responsibility All elements matrix (10) are present and very well integrated in the report An effective Demonstrated use of MS excellent use Project of PM software or software. All similar (10) required files submitted. Presentation is exceptional


5/6/2019 3:27:03 AM

An effective use of MS Project software or similar The demonstration of scheduling, resourcing, and costing of different activities and tasks accurately using MS Project software (Clear, neat output). Required Gantt chart, Network Diagram and WBS are extracted from MS Project software or similar 10 Project Deployment Detailed description of project deployment plan 5 Project signoff, project review and recommendations Project signoff letter, post-project review and recommendations 3 Reference and appendices IEEE Style 2 Grammar and Spelling and project presentation Clearly articulated, concise and sharp use of language and communication showing competent awareness of the Subject Matter 3 Total 50


5/6/2019 3:26:55 AM

Marking Criteria Requirements Criteria Marks Executive summary, charter, proposal and logical structure Executive summary, table of contents, charter, proposal and logical flow of information. The project should reflect a meaningful purpose and a reasonable time period of between 3-12 months 7 Project constraints and requirements Well focused Scope, WBS, estimation of Time, Cost, Quality, and understood key stakeholders’ roles and responsibilities including project team. Assessment of functional and non-functional requirements 10 Project stakeholders, communications, risk management plan and responsibility matrix Responding to the required task such as stakeholder analysis, communications matrix, risk matrix and register, and ethical analysis 10


5/6/2019 3:26:32 AM

Due Date Submission and Formatting a) All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page. b) The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing and appropriate section headings. c) Reference sources must be cited in the text and listed at the end in a reference list using IEEE style.

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