Prepare a program to show a small menu

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM131691543

Software Technology Assignment

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - This assignment should be done individually.

The assignment submission should contain the following:

  • A test plan;
  • A program (working or not working); Your source code file (or files) enough so that I could re-compile it if I want, and any test files you created;
  • Documentation of your test plan, and documenting its results;
  • Evidence of you running a number of mandatory well documented test runs;
  • A short reflection report; and
  • An optional feedback paragraph to me which is not marked.

This assignment is marked after semester ends in the exam period resubmissions will NOT be possible.

You can ask for help in the tutorials, and hints, but the assignment should be your own work.

Assignment Briefing:

The wonderful company, Space Y, is a fictional company that makes its money by providing orbital services (aka, blasting rockets into space). They are ramping up spaceflights; to help them they need a monthly planner. The Monthly planner will take an input file and produce an order plan and an action plan.

The order plan is a list of materials and services that SpaceY needs to order for all the launches that month. The Action Plan is a list of actions for that month and this list can be quite long, so it also needs to be produced to a file for later printing.

They have three lift vehicles; Hawk-9, Hawk Heavy and the BFR. They offer a range of services including manned spaceflight.

The services they offer are similar to MT2; you can, if you want, hard code the services as we did in MT1.

Space vehicles can be launched into three standard orbits: LEO (low earth orbit), GTO (Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit) and CSO (CircumSolar Orbit). NESA tracking must be arranged for GTO and CSO orbits.

You program needs to do the following (also see marking rubric below)

Show a small menu with 3 options (console or swing at your option)

  • Produce an order plan for the month;
  • Produce an action plan to console; and
  • Produce an action plan to a file; and
  • 4 - Exit

If options 1, 2 or 3 are selected it should ask for a file name which is the monthly orders file. This is an input file, several will be provided for mandatory testing. (see Monthly-Orders  format below)

If option 3 is selected it should ask for an output file name, this file will have the order plan written to it.

Monthly-Orders format (input file) comma separated

Field Number





The date of the order in format dd/mm/yy



The client Id (a string of up to 20 characters)



From the service codes file (eg ORB1, ORBH)


Launch Id

String up to 8 characters






Nitrogen flush Y or N



Insurance wanted Y or N



Total insured value of all launches or 0



A text comment - see special processing

Monthly order file (will be sorted in date order with up to 2 orders in 1 day)

Below is the test file Oct2017.txt (which I supply for your testing)

18/10/17, CLINTY, ORB1, SYH17, LEO, Y, Y, 3900000,

20/10/17, MATTY, ORB1, SYH18, GTO, Y, N, 0, GPS-Satellite

Produce an order plan; (this one is for the file Oct2017.txt)

Order Plan for October 2017

Arrange 4 million insurance for launch SYH17 on 18/10/17

Arrange for NESA tracking for  SYH18 on 20/10/17

Order 2 Hawk-9 launch Vehicles

Order 6 Cylinders of Nitrogen

Order 550,000 Kg of LOX

Order 240,000 Kg of RP1

Produce an action plan (this one is for the file Oct2017.txt);

18/10/17 6:00 Start vehicle rollout of hawk-9 on pad LC40 for  SYH17

18/10/17 7:00 Fuel rocket with LOX for  SYH17

18/10/17 8:00 Fuel rocket with RP1 for  SYH17

18/10/17  10:00 Nitrogen flush SYH17

18/10/17 10:50 GO/NOGO for launch SYH17

18/10/17  11:00 Launch SYH17 for CLINTY

20/10/17 6:00 Start vehicle rollout of hawk-9 on pad LC40 for  SYH18

20/10/17 7:00 Fuel rocket with LOX for  SYH18

20/10/17 8:00 Fuel rocket with RP1 for  SYH18

20/10/17  10:00 Nitrogen flush SYH18

20/10/17 10:50 GO/NOGO for launch SYH18

20/10/17  11:00 Launch SYH18  for MATTY GPS-Satellite













Times for AM and PM launches

Time action



Start vehicle rollout of  hawk-9 on pad PPP for  FFF


Fuel rocket with LOX for  FFF


Fuel rocket with TTT for  FFF


Nitrogen flush FFF


GO/NOGO Decision FFF




Start vehicle rollout of  hawk-9 on pad PPP for  FFF


Fuel rocket with LOX for  FFF


Fuel rocket with TTT for  FFF


Nitrogen flush FFF


GO/NOGO Decision FFF


Launch FFF  for CLIENT  CCC

List of notes about the program:

1. LOX, RP1 and Methane (fuels) are bulk ordered at the beginning of the month so a month total must be computed. (the BFR runs on Methane and Lox, the others run on RP1 and LOX).

2. The first line of the order plan must read 'Order Plan for MMMMM YY' where MMMMM is the full month name and YY is the year, the order of the other lines does not matter.

3. A nitrogen flush requires three cylinders of Nitrogen.

4. SpaceY can launch two rockets in a day; but they must use different launch pads.  One launches in the am timeslot (6 to 11); the other in the pm timeslot (11:30 to 15:40)

5. PPP is the allocated launch pad - your action plan must allocate the Launch pad. Two launches on the same day must use different pads.

6. TTT is the fuel type - your action plan must use the correct fuel.

7. FFF is the flight ID (e.g. SYH17).

8. CCC is the comment field (which can be blank or empty in the file).

9. CLIENT should be the client id.

10. The BFR can only be launched from Launchpad KSC

11. NESA Tracking is needed for CSO and GTO orbits only.

12. Some services require a Drako spacecraft which must be on the order plan (it does not appear on the action plan).

Launch vehicle needs

Launch Vehicle




Launch pads


275,000 Kg

120,000 kg


LC40 or



Hawk Heavy

810,000 Kg

353,450 kg


LC40 or








You can probably modify either the ServiceList class from MT1 or MT2 You can edit or change the ServiceCodes.txt  file format if you want to.

Service Code





One satellite to low earth orbit weighing less than 7 metric tonnes; or one satellite to GTO weighing less than 5.5 metric tonnes




One satellite to low earth orbit weighing less than 16 metric tonnes; or one satellite to GTO weighing less than 8 metric tonnes

Hawk Heavy



One satellite to low earth orbit weighing less than 100 metric tonnes; or one satellite to GTO weighing less than 40 metric tonnes




Up to 5 tonnes of cargo delivered to the ISS with a Drako spacecraft (LEO)


Must order a Drako spacecraft


Two space tourists to fly around the moon accompanied by an experienced astronaut

Hawk Heavy

Must order a Drako spacecraft


One way to Mars




To Mars and back. Three years in space or on mars



Reference no: EM131691543

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10/26/2017 1:11:03 AM

Australian student, need everything as per the guidelines. his assignment should be done individually. The submission should be made by a single zipped file and submitted in Moodle. The assignment submission should contain the following: A test plan; A program (working or not working); Your source code file (or files) enough so that I could re-compile it if I want, and any test files you created; Documentation of your test plan, and documenting its results; Evidence of you running a number of mandatory well documented test runs; A short reflection report; and An optional feedback paragraph to me which is not marked. This assignment is marked after semester ends in the exam period resubmissions will NOT be possible.

Write a Review

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