Prepare a program for a company named retail-martbullprompt

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13347708

Prepare a program for a company named Retail-Mart.

• Prompt the user to enter an item name (one word only), a quantity and a price.

o For this step, in addition to functionality, I'll be looking at: location of the variable declarations; appropriateness of data types selected; appropriateness of the variable names; variable naming standards.

Determine the subtotal (quantity * price), tax (tax rate is 7.5%), and total (subtotal + tax).

o For this step, in addition to basic functionality, I'll be looking at: whether you used a constant; how the naming standard for the constant and appropriateness of the name. The accuracy of the calculations.

Finally, show the item name, quantity ordered, price, subtotal, tax, and total.

o In addition to basic functionality, I'll be looking for: formatted output, output that is centered vertically and horizontally; floating point data aligned on the decimal.

BLING: Add a splash screen followed by a welcome message. Implement these two features as functions. Your program could contain three functions: main(), splash(), and welcome(). ONLY!

o Besides basic functionality, I'll be looking at: a well put together, formatted, pleasing, non-offensive splash screen; a relevant updated welcome message; display the splash before the welcome. Use of prototypes.


o I'll also be looking for programmer comments above your heading files. add the information I've traditionally requested.

o Code indenting (neat and aligned correctly.)

o Use of white space (don't use too much or too little).

o Use of comments within the code. (clarify but don't overwhelm)

Reference no: EM13347708

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