Prepare a price quotation at the current price

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132948478

On November 18, a customer requests a price quotation for a conference that will be held on March 22. This customer has scheduled two previous conferences at the Park Shores Convention Center. You know that on December 1 the hotel will announce a special conference "package plan" that will provide this customer with a lower rate. The new rate schedule will extend from December 1 to April 1. What action should you take at this time? a. Prepare a price quotation for the current rate. b. Delay preparing the price quotation until December 1. c. Prepare a price quotation using the rates that will be announced December 1. d. Prepare a price quotation at the current price, but make a mental note to send the customer a revised quotation on December 1.



Reference no: EM132948478

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