Prepare a presentation that persuades your audience

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM13265987

Prepare a presentation that persuades your audience about a topic of importance to you. Remember to choose one side of your topic to focus on rather than present both sides equally (although you can say what the other side thinks to explain why they are wrong).

Your goal is to get your audience to change their thoughts/behaviors on this subject. Avoid obvious topics like quitting smoking or stop drinking and driving that everyone basically agrees on even if they don't do it.

Reference no: EM13265987

Questions Cloud

Where are the object and image located : A converging lens with a focal length of 6.00cmforms an image of a 4.00mm -tall real object that is to the left of the lens. Where are the object and image located
What is the magnitude of the smaller and larger radius : A double-convex lens is to be made of a transparent material with an index of refraction of 1.3. One surface is to have twice the radius of curvature of the other and the focal length is to be 72 mm.
What is the orientation is it erect or inverted : You hold a spherical salad bowl 80cm in front of your face with the bottom of the bowl facing you. What is the orientation is it erect or inverted
What is the index of refraction of the refracting material : When an object is placed 110 cm in front of a spherical refracting surface with a -36 cm radius of curvature, the image distance is +290 cm. If the index of refraction of the surrounding material is 2.1, what is the index of refraction of the refr..
Prepare a presentation that persuades your audience : Prepare a presentation that persuades your audience about a topic of importance to you. Remember to choose one side of your topic to focus on rather than present both sides equally
How far apart are the object and the image formed : One end of a long glass rod (n = 1.3) is a convex surface of radius 4.9 cm. An object is located in air along the axis of the rod, at a distance of 10 cm from the convex end. (a) How far apart are the object and the image formed by the glass rod
Obtain the half life in hours : A sample contains radioactive atoms of two types, A and B. Initially there are five times as many A atoms as there are B atoms. obtain the half life in hours
Compute the van der waals parameters of the gas : The critical constants of ethane are Pc= 48.20 atm, Vc= 148 cm3mol-1, and Tc= 305.4 K. Calculate the van der Waals parameters of the gas and estimate the radius of the molecules.
What is the shortest wavelength of the lyman series : In a muonic atom, the electron is replaced by a negatively charged particle called the muon. What is the shortest wavelength of the Lyman series in a muonic hydrogen atom


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