Reference no: EM131915422
I. Directions for Take-Home History Essay Part
A. Background for History Essay:
1. One of the attachments is a PowerPoint Presentation on the "History of Homelessness." This PowerPoint presentation tells the story of homelessness in pictures, with brief text. Because this file contains so many pictures, it is too large to fit on Isidore. This PowerPoint Presentation is long, but keep in mind that (a) it contains many pictures to illustrate the fascinating history and (b) you do not need to know all of the details. The slides are organized by historical periods. As you can imagine, preparation of this comprehensive PowerPoint Presentation required a great deal of time and work, and I hope that this is helpful to you in getting a basic grasp on the fascinating history of homelessness.
2. The second attachment contains an MS Word file that provides a table of contents for the large PowerPoint Presentation. The only purpose giving this to you is that it may be helpful in providing a "bird's eye view" of the comprehensive PowerPoint presentation.
B. Specific Directions for History Essay
1. The written essay should be approximately 2000 words in length (give or take 200 words). It should be typed in Times Roman (12 point font), using single spacing (and double spacing between paragraphs).
2. Here is what you should accomplish in the written essay:
a. Provide a very brief introductory paragraph (a couple of sentences) that explains that the purpose of the essay is to (a) highlight some historical events related to the problem of homelessness and (b) exemplify the pertinence of historical events from the perspectives of the disciplines of psychology, sociology, and human rights studies. [Note that we are discussing the social sciences as the pertain to homelessness in class right now, and you have a PowerPoint presentations relating to this topic, as well as readings on the social sciences and links for human rights documents (the most important of which is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)].
b. For each historical period, provide a brief summary ("gestalt") paragraph that highlights some of the themes, events, movements, and historical figures as noted in the PowerPoint presentation on history attached to the email.
c. For each historical period, right after you do "b" above, do the following: (1) select one event, movement, or historical figure in that historical period; and (2) discuss the event, movement, or historical figure from the overall general perspectives of the disciplines of psychology, sociology, and human rights studies. (In accomplishing "2," you should make reference to PESM (or systems within PESM).
d. In a one-paragraph conclusion, give me your impressions of the PowerPoint Presentation on History of Homelessness and provide some specific recommendations to me on how to make it more user-friendly, clear, or helpful in giving a quick glance at the history of this problem.
II. Directions for Take-Home Multiple Choice Part.
A. The multiple choice part is included as an attachment to the main email.
B. You will find that some items represent material covered in lectures, PowerPoint Presentations, lectures, and readings. On the other hand, some items are more difficult in that they represent material covered in only one of these ways. Also, you will note that a number of items "overlap" with the essay portion of the exam by asking about history.
C. For each essay, select the "best" answer and indicate it by filling in the appropriate circle in the scan sheet that I will distribute to you.