Prepare a presentation on business pertaining to marketing

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131716155 , Length: 5

Research Paper

The research paper will be due the last week of class. Each student will prepare a report and presentation on a current event in business
pertaining to Marketing.

The purpose of this assignment is to gain a better understanding of current events in business and relate them to class topics, develop presentation and writing skills, as well as inform other students of your findings.

Each student will pick a business topic relevant to this course and the assigned chapter to report on. The same article may not be used by
more than one student; therefore, the students are required to email the article they will be reporting on to me by the assigned date given in the syliaous. IT anotner stuaent rids already chosen the article you would like to use, you will be asked to choose a different article.

A five page, double spaced, typed report with one inch margins shall be written by each student. Please include your name, my name, and the course name.

A Works Cited page will also be required for any Internet sites, books, and other references you use in the paper. Depending on the topic you choose, you may wish to also report on other issues such as why the event is taking place, the impact it is having on the industry or the company, what others can learn from this event, etc.

The paper will be 5 pages long, Times Roman 10, double spaced, and in MLA format. A grading rubric has article they will be reporting on to me by the assigned date given in the syllabus. If another student has already chosen the article you would like to use, you will be asked to
choose a different article.

A five page, double spaced, typed report with one inch margins shall be written by each student. Please include your name, my name, and the course name.

A Works Cited page will also be required for any Internet sites, books, and other references you use in the paper. Depending on the topic you choose, you may wish to also report on other issues such as why the event is taking place, the impact it is having on the industry or the company, what others can learn from this event, etc.

Reference no: EM131716155

Questions Cloud

Discuss personal strength : Name one method for improvement for each of these, and discuss why it is important for you to work on these skills if you want to present your findings
Strategies for overcoming barriers : EBP change proposal from continuing to obtain the same desired results 6 months to a year from now, and your strategies for overcoming these barriers
Discuss whereby people concerned are aware of rules : Explicit culture: is whereby people concerned are aware of rules, customs and regulations within the culture and they learnt them consciously like norms
Compute the estimated gross profit : Using the percentage-of-completion method, compute the estimated gross profit that would be recognized during each year of the construction period
Prepare a presentation on business pertaining to marketing : Develop presentation and writing skills, as well as inform other students of your findings.
Producing heart pacemakers and other medical devices : Medtronic is the world leader in producing heart pacemakers and other medical devices.
Series of numbers entered by user : The user should enter each number at the command prompt. The user will indicate that he or she is finished entering the number by entering the number 0.
Ethics and legal issues : Ethics and Legal Issues-The ethics and sophistication of top management and cultures where the company operates.
Ci for the difference between the population recovery rates : Give a 95% confidence interval for the difference between the population recovery rates. What can you conclude from this confidence interval?


Write a Review

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