Prepare a ppt for presentation on database security

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM132263380

Question: Database Security:

Looking for a final project for the graduate course of Database Security. Any unique topic you can choose related to the subject and below is the preferred text book to have a clear idea if you choose to.

Please prepare a topic and an abstract (project proposal)

Prepare a PPT for presentation

Below is the Textbook link for this course and can use as a reference to pick the topic.

Reference no: EM132263380

Questions Cloud

Discuss typography and the importance of appearance of text : Discuss Typography and the importance of appearance of text. Discuss the following color harmonies: (Usage, Pros, and Cons).
What are the advantages of remote access methods : What are the advantages, strengths and/or weaknesses of remote access methods and techniques such as RADIUS, RAS, TACACS+ and VPN?
What are the different types of operating systems : We encounter them when we use out laptop or desktop computer. We use them when we use our phone or tablet. Find articles that describes the different types.
Describe an example of poorly implemented database : Describe an example of a very poorly implemented database that you've encountered (or read about) that illustrates the potential for really messing things up.
Prepare a ppt for presentation on database security : Looking for a final project for the graduate course of Database Security. Any unique topic you can choose related to the subject and below is the preferred text
Internet providers switched to a tiered service : What would be the impact on individual's users, businesses, and government if Internet providers switched to a tiered service model for transmission
What is the relevance of health care plans : Research and discuss a case outside of the book and lecture notes in regard to HIPPA? What is the relevance of health care plans, providers and clearinghouses?
What is sickle cell anemia : What is sickle cell anemia? Explain the cause and risk factors for developing the disorder.
Explain in detail privacy issues related to the case study : Explain in detail, privacy issues related to the case study. Explain in detail, privacy issues related to the case study.Identify the U.S. citizen privacy law.


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