Prepare a plan and introduce concepts to e-logistics

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM131405001

Project work


To assess your understanding for E- Supply Chain / E Logistic Management in an organization of your choice.

Action Items:

Choose any business organization of your choice and describe the organization according to the below:

1. Prepare a plan and Introduce concepts to E-Logistics and E-Supply Chain Management.
2. Introduce the concepts of RFID Technologies for e-Enabling Logistics Supply Chains
3. Mention the various application(s) of IT in supply chain management.
4. Project your business by using the following:

A Strategic Planning (SP)

1. Location of Supply Chain Facilities
2. Procurement Planning
3. Distribution Facilities Planning
4. Logistics Planning

B Operational Optimization (OO)

1. Supply Chain Inventory Optimization
2. Logistics Resources Scheduling

C Usability Modeling of ICT and other resources (UM)

1. Finding the optimal solution
2. Cost and Schedule Analysis
3. Recommending and Implementing the resources

D Web-enabled Supply Chains (WEB)

1. A Web-enabled order Procurement and tracking system
2. Warehouse Management System
3. Customer Relationship Management

1. Each students will have one Project.
2. Project will be based on the implementation of the e-supply chain and logistics in real world.
3. Project will require summarizing, demonstrating, and the use and potential values of SCM and LOGISTICS for an organization.
4. The Project has to be completed individually by each students.
5. Presentation will be conducted during the WEEK-13 so that students get time to complete their project work and present in front of all the students in the class.

Submission Instructions

• Post your response in the Discussion Board per your professor's instructions.

Reference no: EM131405001

Questions Cloud

Determine mean and the standard deviation of 150 sample mean : Determine the mean and the standard deviation of the 150 sample means, then compare these with their theoretically expected values.
Determining the acquisition of cgr : In your opinion, what was the most fundamental, important mistake made by GE following the acquisition of CGR?
How did you handle the situation : Can you think of a time when you worked with a negative work group? How did you handle the situation?
Have you ever misinterpreted something that you observed : Have you ever misinterpreted something that you observed? Have you ever been misinterpreted? What were the results?
Prepare a plan and introduce concepts to e-logistics : Prepare a plan and Introduce concepts to E-Logistics and E-Supply Chain Management. Introduce the concepts of RFID Technologies for e-Enabling Logistics Supply Chains
What are the primary challenges of sex offender treatment : What are the primary challenges of sex offender treatment programs? Which treatments are proving to be successful and why?
What is the probability that the shipment will be rejected : The quality control inspector has been instructed to reject the shipment if, in a simple random sample of 40, 15% or more are defective. What is the probability that the shipment will be rejected?
What is probability that 20 of airports will be paved : Of the 235 airports available for public use in Michigan, 128 are paved and lighted. For a simple random sample of n = 50, what is the probability that at least 20 of the airports in the sample will be paved and lighted?
Components of the external environment : An organization's external environment refers to forces outside the organization that affect its performance. Compare and contrast two of the components of the external environment.


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