Prepare a philosophy paper

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Reference no: EM131669347

This is a philosophy paper. You can choose any topic.

Paper Prompt

Students are required to submit a 750-word (minimum) midterm paper, which will count for 20% of their final course grade. The student will present a situation requiring an ethical choice, consider the possible choices available and their consequences, take a position on the situation, and justify that choice.

The student must incorporate significant references to at least one thinker discussed in the course so far as part of their evaluation of the situation requiring an ethical choice.

The paper must include the following:

Heading or Cover Page: This must include the student's name, course section, and a link to the news article on which the essay is based.

Summary of Situation Requiring a Choice: The student must summarize the situation which calls for an ethical choice, including all relevant details.

Presentation of Available Choices: The student must present the possible choices available and the consequences of those choices.

Decision and Justification: The student must make a choice in the situation and justify that choice with well-reasoned arguments.

Philosophical Engagement: The must make substantial references to at least one thinker we have discussed in the course so far. These references can be used in any part of the paper and should demonstrate thoughtful engagement with the philosopher and ideas encountered in this course.

Make sure to Cite with MLA citation 8

Article 1 - Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex

Article 2 - Meditations on First Philosophy

Reference no: EM131669347

Questions Cloud

What is meant by the term readiness : Give your opinion on which two means of diagnosing change are most relevant to today's organizations. What is meant by the term readiness?
Explain relationship between communication and resistance : Explain the relationship between communication and resistance. Evaluate the major consequences of poor communication.
What changes to bargaining structures in retail industry do : What changes to bargaining structures in the retail industry do you believe are appropriate to avoid the issues that arose in the 7 Eleven case
Firm earnings before taxes : It had $7,500 of bonds outstanding that carry a 7.0% interest rate, and its federal-plus-state income tax rate was 40%.
Prepare a philosophy paper : PHIL 1301: Introduction to Philosophy - the student must summarize the situation which calls for an ethical choice, including all relevant details
Where do you go to find information about bonds : Where do you go to find information about bonds? What information do you find? How is it useful? (website)
What current public and private agencies provide assistance : How will technology advancement help track data, provide resources for individuals, or monitor progress to stay on task for successful implementation?
Analyze the discrepancy in pay among the current employees : Analyze the discrepancy in pay among the current employees. Describe the strategy you would take to correct the internal equity issue.
Statistical measures of risk include the standard deviation : 1. Statistical measures of risk include the standard deviation, coefficient of variation, and correlation coefficient. Tell us what they are?



10/5/2017 7:57:12 AM

This is a philosophy paper. You can choose any topic and go through it but it should be related. Please read the Mid term paper prompt and go through this . I have include my discussion done in class what he said to mention in the paper. Any ethical logic of anyone should be mention in my paper. I have attached them to you can read and take reference from anyone at least and rest you can go through . ANd please make sure to Cite with MLA citation 8 . Papers must be submitted through eCampus. Any student who turns in plagiarized work for the midterm paper will receive a failing grade for the course. Students will receive 3 points of extra credit if they have the writing lab look over their paper prior to the due date and provide Prof. Garrett with proof of that meeting.

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