Prepare a paper about human evolution and human prehistory

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM131136569

You are required to write a 10-to-12-page research paper (not counting the bibliography, title page, images, figures, tables). Your main literature sources should be academic books and journals. You must include a minimum of eight references in your bibliography, of which three must be from refereed (academic) journals. Please read Writing Academic Papers, which is designed to aid you in writing proper academic research papers. It includes both helpful general information as well as strict, required criteria, so it is very important that you read it carefully. Your paper should follow the reference style of the Society for American Archaeology (Links to an external site.) . Please read the sections about citation format.

When you submit your paper, use Times New Roman, font size 12, and double-spaced text.

The topic will require some research involving academic journals that specialize in human evolution and human prehistory, in order to find the most up-to-date and pertinent articles.

Once you know which journals are most likely to have articles pertinent to your topic, you can search them using key words and authors' names. Also, once you have found one or more sources (e.g., articles, books) dealing with your topic you can look through their reference lists to find more pertinent sources. It is also very important that you read Writing Academic Papers.

Remember, this is the topic we picked:

Climate has long been seen as a primary factor that influences, if not drives, major evolutionary changes in human physiology. Critically examine some of these theories (e.g., climate change and bipedalism) and the available evidence that supports or refutes them.

Reference no: EM131136569

Questions Cloud

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How we benefit from bacteria living on or inside our bodies : Explain how we benefit from bacteria living on or inside our bodies. Please research and give background information on the Human Microbiome Project:
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Prepare a paper about human evolution and human prehistory : Prepare a research paper about human evolution and human prehistory. Your main literature sources should be academic books and journals.
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Should the united states index its wages and prices : How would your answer differ if you expected that the nation would face a period of extremely high inflation (say, 300 percent)?


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