Prepare a memo to the president of the company

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131555328 , Length: 5

Write a 4-5 page paperin APA format (not including the cover page and reference page)

NOTE: This assignment is submitted as a Memorandum.

Find two journal articles that will aid you in your analysis of this question.

Question 1:

Choose an e-commerce company and assess it in terms of the eight unique features of e-commerce technology described in Table 1.2.


Eight unique features of E-Commerce technology are:



Global Reach

Universal Standards

Social Technology


Information Density


Question 2: Which of the features does the site implement well, and which features poorly, in your opinion?


Prepare a memo to the president of the company you have chosen, detailing your findings and any suggestions for improvement you may have. You must have three references including the text book.

Text book:

Kenneth C. Laudon and Carol Guercio Traver, (2017). E-commerce: Business.Technology.Society. 13th ed. Boston: Pearson.

Reference no: EM131555328

Questions Cloud

How long does the stainless steel vessel : how long does the stainless steel vessel need to last in order to make its purchase economical?
What are the after tax present worth : A company borrows $200,000 at 12% compounded annually to buy new equipment for its warehouse. What are the after tax present worth?
Calculate eps before and after change in capital structure : Consider a firm with an EBIT of $858,000. Calculate the EPS before and after the change in capital structure and indicate changes in EPS.
Company achieve without having to raise funds externally : How large of a sales increase can the company achieve without having to raise funds externally?
Prepare a memo to the president of the company : Prepare a memo to the president of the company you have chosen, detailing your findings and any suggestions for improvement you may have.
Describe how these standards are used in our facility : Describe how these standards are used in our facility A. Describe how each claim and payment will accurate and complete -Draft corresponding letters
What are the implication for screening and for not screening : What are the implications for screening and for not screening? Would you as a parent want to know if your child is at risk for developing heart disease?
Find the determinant of the resulting matrix : Subtract row 2 from row 1, row 3 from row 2, and so on, and explain why this does not change the determinant of the matrix.
Demonstrate academic skills appropriate to level of study : BIZ101: Business Communications Assessment - Digital Resources Analysis. Demonstrate academic skills appropriate to the level of study


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