Reference no: EM133806710 , Length: word count:3500
Global Marketing Management
Individual Market Analysis Report
The Brief
Prepare a market analysis report presenting the findings and interpretation of research into the marketing environment of a given organisation and its impact on the marketing mix (Learning outcomes 1,3, 6 and 7).
Guidance for Assignment 1: Market Analysis Report Guidance on the brief:1. Please ensure that the assignment you submit is your original work and that all quotations and sources of information are acknowledged by appropriate in-text citations and in the Table of References at the end, including company and/or Internet sources.
2. You can use your own company as the "given organisation" for this assignment. If this is not possible, or not desirable, you can propose to use another company but it must be agreed with your tutor beforehand.
3. The report should focus on external and internal marketing environment.
4. The report should be in three parts: analysis of the external marketing environment, analysis of the internal marketing environment, and evaluation what impact it has had on the marketing mix.
5. It is acceptable to focus on some elements of the marketing mix rather than all of the elements as long as it can be justified (for instance, for some service-oriented companies it might be justifiable to focus upon product, price, promotion, people, process and physical evidence but not upon place). If in doubt, seek guidance from your tutor.
6. You are expected to use [marketing-related] theories, concepts, models and/or frameworks you have encountered in your studies up to this point.
The report has an academic purpose as well and must reflect your learning. Please remember to reference your sources (even for well-known and frequently-used models etc.).
7. Use a formal report structure with table of contents, page and section numbers, labels and titles for diagrams and tables, etc.
8. Use appendices for supporting information that is not needed in the analysis (for example, lists/descriptions of products/services, if provided at all).
Commentary on the assignment:
The assignment requires considerably more effort than the word limit suggests (2000 words). You will have to gather information, analyse the information, relate it to academic learning, reach conclusions and then evaluate its impact. So, like marketing (Kotler and Keller, 2016), there is a lot of "below the waterline" work involved. The report you present is the outcome of your analysis and evaluation, reporting the results; it is not the work itself.
Please budget your time accordingly. Below is an outline of what could be included in the report. It is up to you to decide
• Which concepts, tools and/or techniques to use, and
• How to assess and interpret the marketing environment of your company selected.
You may wish to focus on a few, some or all of the elements mentioned below or choose different ones. Please ensure, however, that any conclusions you reach are supported by the analysis you have conducted. All page references are to (set text) Kotler and Keller, 2022.
Internal environment: what can the company market and where; the philosophical approach (ch1) adopted by the company (preferably with a brief critique); the practice of marketing management (p41) and the core marketing management skills of the company (p48).
External environment: the type of market- (p.70-72) and competitive and economic conditions in which your company operates; the political/regulatory and social environment (p.99-104) in which your company operates; and the technological environment (p104)in which your company operates (with particular emphasis on Chapter 21). Need Immediate Assignment Help? Click Here to Get Assistance!
The third part of the report should evaluate how the internal and external environment impact on the marketing mix (p.47) used by the company. You could, for instance, show here how your company uses the marketing mix to create, communicate and deliver value successfully; or, alternatively, how your company's use of the marketing mix lags behind developments in the marketing environment. A proper analysis will probably reveal a mixed, or nuanced, picture and a report based on synthesis, analysis and evidence to reflect this is more likely to receive higher grades.
In your conclusion, you may wish to identify growth/survival opportunities for your company based on the analysis and evidence in the report and/or identify specific activities in the practice of marketing management that could be improved.
Please be very careful not to make vague or unsupported recommendations. You will lose marks for making anodyne statements and general assertions. This assignment is partly a test of your ability to apply what you are learning with rigour and critical awareness. Present the findings of your analysis and evaluation (with any needed supporting information in an appendix - remember, anything in the appendix is not part of the assignment, the words are not counted and it may not be read fully, so be judicious about what you include in the report and what you place in the appendix).Pay attention to synthesis, i.e. make sense of any contradictory findings, show that you have evaluated the evidence uncovered in your investigation and considered the complexity in your results.
The conclusions and recommendations should show work at an advanced level. You are allowed to narrow the scope of your investigation by focusing on one set of products/services or a subset of the markets in which you operate. If you do so, please make sure you have stated this in the introduction and justified your selection (for instance, by focusing your investigation on the best- selling products/services, or the fastest growing market sector, or on customer that generate 80% of your revenues, or something similar).4)
Assignment Part: Individual Report: NPS for a New Market Opportunity
9. The Brief
Prepare a report (2,000 words) proposing a new product/service for a new market opportunity identifying the key the theories, relationships and processes that will need to be managed for successful implementation, and outlining and justifying a selection of metrics that may be used to assess success (Learning outcomes 2,4 and 8).
Assignment 2: New product/service development and marketing metrics
Guidance on the brief:
• Please make sure that the assignment you submit is your original work and that all quotations and sources of information are acknowledged by appropriate in-text citations and in the Table of References at the end, including company and/or Internet sources.
• Use your own company for this assignment. If this is not possible, or not desirable, you can propose to use another company but it must be agreed with your tutor beforehand.
• The assignment has three parts: the proposal of a new product/service for a new market opportunity; the identification of key theories, relationships and processes that will need to be managed to implement the new product/service for the new market opportunity; and, outline and justify the marketing metrics which will be need to assess success.
• The report should be within 10% of the word limit.
• You are expected to use appropriate [marketing related] theories, concepts, models and/or frameworks you have encountered in this module and in your studies so far. The report has an academic purpose as well and must reflect your learning. Please remember to reference your sources (even for well-known and frequently-used models etc.).
• Use a formal report structure with table of contents, page and section numbers, labels and titles for diagrams and tables, etc.
• Use appendices for details of supporting analysis, evidence and evaluation (keep in mind that the appendices may not be read, so avoid placing essential information in them).
• In text citations and the Table of References should be to a postgraduate standard, with full bibliographical details in an accepted convention (Harvard is preferred; MLA or APA are acceptable).