Prepare a lesson plan to teach a fundamental skill

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Reference no: EM131459554


1. Motor Skills

This discussion forum consists of three different sections. You must complete the requirements in each section.

Section 1:

Read Section 4.1, "Three Elements Affecting Motor Skill Performance," in Chapter 4 of your text. Next, use Table 3.2, "Typical gross motor milestones," from Chapter 3 as a guide, and the skills outlined in Chapter 5 and 6 to complete the following chart*:

Age of Child

Fundamental motor skill
(Choose one locomotor (moving), non-locomotor (stationary) or manipulative skill that would be developmentally appropriate to teach each age group.)

Explain what game or activity that you would use to teach this skill
(Example: To teach balance, you might use a low balance beam and instructions on how to hold their arms out straight.)

2 yrs

3 yrs

4 yrs

5 yrs

6 yrs

1. Download an editable version of this chart here.

Section 2 - Guided Response:

Respond to two classmates. Review the activities and skills included on their charts. Use one of the activities listed on their charts to create a situational example in story form, such as a case study. Within your story, include a complication in which they would need to adapt the lesson. This complication can be an environmental, individual, or task-related constraint. Environmental constraints are faulty/missing equipment, weather, space, time, etc. Individual constraints include any difficulty or disability that the student might encounter. A task related constraint includes complications incorporating the activity or lesson to be taught.

Conclude with a question as to how this lesson could be adapted in the given situation.

For example: They might have chosen to teach a 6-year-old (individual) to hit a ball (task) off a tee and provide them with a light weight, fat barreled bat (environment). You can create an individual constraint such as "When you are teaching a class of 6-year-olds how to hit a ball off of a tee, you notice a child is having difficulty holding the bat. If the bat is too large for the child, how could you adapt the activity for this individual?" You could also create a situation in which a child has already mastered this activity and is ready to advance or even create an example with inclement weather or faulty/missing equipment, etc. Be creative!

Section 3:

Required classmate response:S elect at least one classmate who asked a question about your initial post of skills and activities. Answer their question and include how your adaptation would continue to be developmentally appropriate for that age. If classmates did not respond to your initial post, choose response questions from another classmate's post to answer concerning an adaptation of an activity.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your discussion.

2. Complex Skills

According to the textbook, "skill learning takes place through a predictable and consistent sequence. It is also similar to that of growth and development by how the rate of learning a skill is different across people and depends on a person's environment as well as their previous experiences" (Hastie, 2012).

Select a complex motor skill that you are proficient at (such as bowling, riding a bike, driving a car, jumping rope, etc.). Explain when you first learned it and your early experiences with this skill. Try to describe how you acquired this skill in terms of the phases discussed in Chapter 4. Then describe the progress a learner might take as they begin to master this same skill.

Guided Response: Respond to two classmates. Select a classmate who discussed a skill that you are either interested in or also are proficient at. Include an explanation of which stage you are currently located for that skill and what you would need to do to move toward the next level of that skill.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your discussion.


1. Fundamental Skill Lesson Plan

You will create a lesson plan to teach a fundamental skill for an early childhood physical education class (Pre-K to 3rd grade). You will revise/add to this lesson plan in Week Five. To create your lesson plan, start by reviewing and assessing that the skill(s) in your lesson plan are developmentally appropriate by visiting National PE Standards website. An example of a skill is:" Demonstrate the relationship of under, over, behind, next to, though, right, left, up, down, forward, backward, and in front of by using the body and an object." Then, review Table 7.3 in Chapter 7 for appropriate activities.

Your lesson plan should include the following components:

a. Title Page
b. Section 1: Lesson Information

Identify the following:

o Grade level (specify what age/grade)
o Estimated level of developmental stage for this age/grade
o Number of students
o Fundamental skill to be taught
o State standard (see the list of National PE Standards and indicate which state)

c. Section 2: Lesson Introduction

o Provide a brief description of the lesson
o Create a student learning objective: (e.g. "As result of this lesson, students will be able to demonstrate _________".)
o Describe your system for classroom management and student grouping (e.g. class rules, consequences, rewards, and organization of the class during the activity)
o Describe the equipment needed and the environment (e.g. classroom, gym, outdoors, etc.)

d. Reference page

o Include at least one outside resource.

Your title page, lesson plan, and reference page should be formatted in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. The lesson plan will be two to three pages, in addition to the reference and title pages.

Additional Planning Resources: When researching lesson plans, the following resources are helpful. These should be used as resources only and should not be copied and pasted (Turnitin will detect any plagiarism):

a. Foundations of Moving and Learning

o Chapter 7 - Planning Physical Education Lessons
o Appendix A - Sample lesson plans
o Appendix B - Sample lesson plans

b. Mr. Gym (

c. PE Central (

Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Learning Outcomes

This week students will:

1. Identify the developmental phases required to master a complex physical skill.
2. Demonstrate the ability to identify, teach, and assess a fundamental motor skill.
3. Analyze the environmental, individual, and task oriented constraints that affect motor performance.


This week you will focus on the processes through which children learn new motor skills. You will discuss locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative skills. However, in doing so, you must understand that there is also a cognitive component in most movements. Of particular importance to this course, you will also examine some of the key instructional skills required by teachers in order to help students master fundamental movements and motor skills. Effective teachers create lessons that enhance learning by developing their content with developmentally appropriate tasks that are organized within logical progressions. You will learn how movement concepts relate to a child's awareness of space, effort, and relationships.

Required Resources

Required Text

1. Foundations of Moving and Learning

a. Chapter 4 - The Key Principles of Motor Learning for Children

- Focuses on the processes through which children take advantage of that growth and development to learn new skills.

b. Chapter 5 - Locomotor &Nonlocomotor Skills

- Explores the various locomotor and non-locomotor skills that make up a significant part of any physical education program.

c. Chapter 6 - Manipulative Skills

- Explores the various manipulative skills that make up a significant part of any physical education program.

d. Chapter 7 - Planning Physical Education Lessons

- Guides through the key processes involved in creating high quality daily lessons for students in physical education.

Recommended Resources

Recommended Text

1. Foundations of Moving and Learning

a. Appendix A

- Sample Lesson Plans

b. Appendix B

- Sample Lesson Plans


1. Belt, L., Epstein, E., Frost, L. & Guthrie, D. (Writers). (2001). The child from 4 to 6: Physical development [Video file]. In D. Guthrie (Producer), Beginning the journey...Retrieved from Films on Demand

- This video discusses the Physical development of a child at four years old. At age four, the toddler's awkwardness gives way to greater coordination and motor skills, which in turn affects physical skills, word pronunciation, and self image. Pace varies in development of children.


1. Mr. Gym (
2. PE Central (
3. Shape America. (n.d.). National PE Standards. Retrieved from

Reference no: EM131459554

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