Prepare a HR operational plan with work allocation

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM131699356

The purpose of this assessment is to assess the student in the following learning outcomes:

Research, analyse and document resource requirements and develop an operational plan in consultation with relevant personnel, colleagues and specialist resource managers

Develop and implement contingency plans at appropriate stages of operational planning

Development of an operational plan with details of how it will be implemented and monitored

Knowledge of models and methods for operational plans.

Task 1: Develop operational plan

Your academic institute (use imaginary institute or ACA) has decided on a recruitment drive to hire 5 "Campus Managers" for the five campuses in five States. As a HR manager, you job is to choose the right individuals for this position. Based on the sample operational plan information and further web research, create an operational plan for this recruitment drive.

Step 1: Research "Job Description" (Task, Duties and Responsibilities) for this position by searching similar positions in the internet and choose six important duties & responsibilities that requires consultation and advice with other senior and junior level positions in the organisation.

Step 2: Simultaneously, identify the resources (i.e. Physical, Human and financial) requirement to make this position efficient and effective.

Step one and two are to be completed in the following table.

Step 3: Use the similar Job responsibilities information; pick the action verb to formulate Key Performance Indicators (KPI).

Step 4: From the above SIX KPI, choose any TWO important KPIs that links to the organisational operation.

Step 5: Write a letter to you subordinate/assistant to prepare a job advertisement and organise a meeting for the new recruitment drive.

Task 2: Case Study - House Angels

House Angels is a domestic cleaning agency run by 45 year old Sarah Diaz. She is in her fourth month of trading and operates from her home office in Brighton. Sarah has worked in a similar business for eight years and when that business closed down and the owner moved interstate, she decided to set up her own agency. The previous business was run from offices in Camberwell and employed two full-time and one part-time staffs. At present Sarah has thirteen cleaners on her books and twenty regular clients, most of whom she got through word of mouth. Sarah has figured out she needs between 100 clients on her books by the end of twelve months in order to reach her cash-flow projections. She will also need around 50 cleaners if the client level crosses 100.

Sarah thought hard about the decision to start the business on her own. She certainly had enough knowledge about how to run a cleaning agency from her past work experience. She also had a few ideas on how she could improve operations if she was to do it herself. However, she knew that it was going to cost a lot in the early stages and decided that initially she could not afford to employ any staff to assist with running the business.

Due to her lack of financial resources Sarah chose to start up as a sole trader. All she had to do was register her business name and get an ABN. Later on down the track, if all things run smoothly, she will be achieving around $60,000 per month, i.e. $3,000 per client on an average. Her expenses per client on an average are $2,000 including operational costs such as chemicals, accessories, tools, and staff. Eventually she will register as a proprietary limited company if it grows to 100 clients. She is currently considering whether she should extend her business to partnership or corporation or just stay as a sole trader. As a sole trader Sarah's time is very important as she has to do all the day to day running of the business, as well as going out to meet new clients, run regular advertising campaigns and see that her customers are happy with the service.

Step 1: Suggest generic advice to Sarah on her business restructuring considering the expansion. Suggest if she needs to get partners, or more investment, or more staff, or a large operational office. (100 words)

Step 2: Prepare 5 job duties in designing the Job Description for cleaners

Step 3: Develop 5 KPIs for her employees (cleaners)

Step 4: Prepare an induction checklist for the cleaners who will be hired

Step 5: Prepare a HR operational plan with work allocation with supervisory roles

Step 6: Develop a common roster template to use for all client sites (You may use scales to draw tables)

Step 7: Prepare a list of resource allocation and a monthly budget for her considering the business has reached 100 clients

Step 8: Analyse the budget and identify approximate profit/loss that she should have after the expenses

Step 9: Develop a contingency plan mentioning what should be her backup plan for extra workloads or new clientsStep 10. Prepare a draft letter for Sarah so that she can send to all employees in various site locations. The letter should advise and encourage supporting individual cleaners and teams to effectively, economically and safely use resources

Task 3: Monitor and review performance of business operation

You are an operations manager of a small manufacturing enterprise. Your owner intends to increase the production capacity through the addition of new equipment. Two vendors have presented proposals. The fixed costs for proposal A are $50,000, and for proposal B, $70,000. The variable cost for A is $12.00, and for B, $10.00. The revenue generated by each unit is $20.00.

a) What is the break-even point in units and dollars for proposal A?

b) What is the break-even point in units and dollars for proposal B?

c) If the expected volume is 15,000 units, which alternative should be chosen?

Task 4: Analytical case on performance review of operation

Joanna French is currently working a total of 12 hours per day to produce 240 dolls. She thinks that by changing the paint used for the facial features and fingernails that she can increase her rate to 360 dolls per day. Total material cost for each doll is approximately $3.50; she has to invest $20 in the necessary supplies (expendables) per day; energy costs are assumed to be only $4.00 per day; and she thinks she should be making $10 per hour for her time.

Instructions: To Compute multifactor productivity, please refer to the following formula:

Productivity = (Units/Outputs) ÷ (Labour+ Material + Supplies + Energy)

Viewing this from a total (multifactor) productivity perspective, what is her productivity at present and with the new paint?

How would total (multifactor) productivity change if using the new paint raised Ms. French's material costs by $0.50 per doll?

Task 5: Search the Internet for WHS ACT 2011 and explain "what is a notifiable to ComCare under the new WHS Act 2011"?

Task 6: Visit the WorkCover NSW website and list 10 codes of practice applicable for Work Health and Safety in New South Wales.
Specify which ones are applicable for retail supermarket stores such as Coles and Woolworths? Explain.

Explain which of the WHS codes applicable for a supermarket chain.

Reference no: EM131699356

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10/31/2017 6:00:05 AM

Instructions: There are 6 Tasks in this assessment that are assigned on a weekly basis. Activates include case study, simulation exercises and direct questioning. You are allowed to use internet, newspapers, textbooks or other resources in completing this assessment. This is an individual assessment and you must complete the tasks in class.


10/31/2017 5:59:55 AM

• This assessment has to be completed In class At home • The assessment is to be completed according to the instructions given by your assessor. • Feedback on each task will be provided to enable you to determine how your work could be improved. You will be provided with feedback on your work within two weeks of the assessment due date. All other feedback will be provided by the end of the term. • Should you not answer the questions correctly, you will be given feedback on the results and your gaps in knowledge. You will be given another opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and skills to be deemed competent for this unit of competency. • If you are not sure about any aspects of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your assessor.


10/31/2017 5:59:44 AM

Assessment/evidence gathering conditions Each assessment component is recorded as either Competent (C) or Not Yet Competent (NYC). A student can only achieve competence when all assessment components listed under “Purpose of the assessment” section are recorded as competent. Your trainer will give you feedback after the completion of each assessment. A student who is assessed as NYC (Not Yet Competent) is eligible for re-assessment.


10/31/2017 5:59:35 AM

The purpose of this assessment is to assess the student in the following learning outcomes: Research, analyse and document resource requirements and develop an operational plan in consultation with relevant personnel, colleagues and specialist resource managers Develop and implement contingency plans at appropriate stages of operational planning Development of an operational plan with details of how it will be implemented and monitored Knowledge of models and methods for operational plans.

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